
Cougar Game profile


Oct 12th 2012, 22:47:11

Originally posted by Klown:
Originally posted by Trife:
It's going to be awesome when Obama/Biden cakewalks the election and we get folks like Klown fluffing for another 4 years :D


I assume you have seen the polls lately?

The same polls that two weeks ago were a sign of the LIBERUHL MEDIA PUSHING OBUMMER.... Now they are sacrosanct.

Same with RMoney blasting the Tax Policy Center as liberal propaganda, then holding up one of their studies as fact a week later.

There is no intellectual consistency left in the GOP. I suppose that isn't a surprise for the party that shuns science and reason. Say one thing today, say completely the opposite tomorrow, and the Fox News crowd will follow in lock-step.

Boy is Mitt Romney ever the perfect candidate for today's Republicans.

Edited By: Cougar on Oct 12th 2012, 23:43:00. Reason: Institue/Center. w/e
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