


Oct 13th 2012, 23:36:44

It's really unfortunate that the dot com bubble happened under a Dem admin. If only there had been a libertarian in office, we would have a solid 3 party system. I'm sure most of ya are content in believing wanker wiki entries for your economic studies but if anyone out there actually wants to know what happened to the financial system I would suggest reading a book called "Accounting Ethics And the Near Collapse of the Worlds Financial System" by Michael Pakaluck and Mark Cheffers. It's an incredible book that outlines exactly what happened and explains who was really at fault. I will give you a hint, it wasn't the Bush admin or even the Clinton admin, although they both didn't help the cause. It really is an eye opening book and would recommend it to anyone who is serious in learning about the financial system.

Dissidenticn; You seriously think you could go into details about a topic such as taxes for what, the 15 minutes they gave them? You could spend hours debating just one section of the code. The debates are designed only to go over a broad part of the plans. In fact I would laugh at any president or candidate that could go over their entire economic plan in depth in just 35-40 minutes. It's truly a sad day when people in America think like you man, there is way to much to cover over just a 40 minute time slot. A little scary you think you could...

Edited By: ColoOutlaw on Oct 15th 2012, 9:57:11
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