
Mr Charcoal Game profile


Nov 3rd 2012, 3:55:23

I understand KJ hitting RD. You'll never find me crying that he hits us. No one has more reason to suicide RD than KJ does. In all honesty, he owes us a few more. We're ALMOST even.

You WILL see me complaining that his wife hits us. It bothers me that the admins allow him to use the "alliance safe list" KNOWING what he does with it. If he used multis and wasn't caught, I wouldnt care. The fact that he abuses a nicety provided by the admins bothers me.

*edit* - My statement that i wouldnt care if he used mutlis is not correct, Im just not allowed to be a hypocrite. *End of edit*

On the other hand:

PP - Whiney fluff, no real reason to suicide other than the need to regain toughness he lost while being bullied in high school. You keep suiciding, we'll keep taking the top spot!

Edge - No hair, don't care.

Edited By: Mr Charcoal on Nov 3rd 2012, 4:00:50
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Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.