
OneMansArmy Game profile


Nov 26th 2012, 19:43:20

Originally posted by blid:
Most the people hitting his brother probably have GDI protection and single tap./

Most of them are in GDI and single tap. Two of them decided to get greedy though. The one that succeeded in getting through got missiles in return. I am not sure if he is planning on sending missiles back at the guy who failed three times though.

He understands that attacking is part of the game and is forgiving of the people who only hit him once. He is just a bit frustrated that he can't seem gain land anymore right now because every time he does it all gets taken back the same night. I suggested he just focus on buying Business/Residential/Weapons tech and jets and stop attacking for now to get land thin.

And yes, even though he will be playing from a different city 80% of the time (except on holidays and when he visits), we are safelisted for that 20% of the time we may play from the same house. Unfortunately this means we cant be allies :(

Edited By: OneMansArmy on Nov 26th 2012, 20:39:39
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