
Xinhuan Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 17:59:22

Originally posted by qzjul:
I do think landtrading is a bit too much abused;

The trick is how to adjust it without causing people to revert to extreme bottomfeeding...

I told you 1 year ago - you cannot have 2 countries attack each other and have it result in a win-win situation. LaF as a whole has actively looked down on landtrading but since the admins have decided to actively support landtrading for a whole year, this particular reset, LaF has instead gone with the "abuse it until they fix it" approach.

All you guys didn't believe that land trading is broken, so now LaF will show it to you how broken it is. Expect a couple of 400m countries, and a whole top 10 all above 300m.

LaF has entire coordinated shared forums between TIE and RD to land trade, with public chat channels to add to this, it really isn't any different from internal land trading other than the tag the country belongs to.

The fact is that almost 80% of the non-LaF countries have terrible built:unbuilt ratios, PDM is one of the worst clans to landtrade with because of this, you simply don't gain much ghost acres back from them, if LaF allowed internal trading, this wouldn't even be a problem and you might see countries approach 500m finishing NW instead. By far, LaF participating in landtrading has simply improved the landtrading experience in all other clans (maybe that's why PDM think they are kings of landtrading) because they can trade with better built countries and gain more out of it in a trade, but in reality with so much unbuilt acres, it really is a worse country because of the higher construction costs and lower income.

The fact that Balin even dared said "i'd definitely put myself, wari, ben, and perhaps one or two other PDMers up against anyone in laf playing a landtrading strat." in the other thread is incredibly stupid, maybe just 1 of the listed players might make t10 this reset, just because those players made t10 before in previous resets when LaF wasn't landtrading ever doesn't mean fluff.

And then see just how sad the top non-landtrading country will finish - probably about 220-230m at best.

And qzjul, your last change to introduce Country:Country DR did the exact opposite of what you intended. You intended it to nerf landtrading, but instead it harmed bottomfeeding because bottomfeeding no longer gets much acres. All the bottomfeeders switched to landtrading, and with so many countries landtrading, C:C DR isn't even close to becoming an issue.

You should
A) Revert the C:C DR change
B) Half the ghost acres gained
C) Remove the Dict ghost acre bonus - you will notice almost all the landtraders are Dicts for a reason - and make the BPT penalty slightly less to compensate.

(You need both B and C because otherwise people will just switch to Theo casher land trading)

The whole point is, without competitive land grabbing (via bottomfeeding), Alliance is fast becoming a cooperative grabbing server.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Apr 3rd 2013, 18:36:09
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