
AndrewMose Game profile


Apr 10th 2013, 20:14:10

I can confirm that Blid. permanent bonuses as a fascist are 15% increased.

-Fascism gets +15% bonus category effectiveness.
-Government switches now detract from bonuses.
-The cost and benefit of the decay bonus has changed from 6 points for -2.5% to 5 points for -1.3%.;z=bonus-system-changes

I'm not sure on the specifics of when Oldman reached max decay, but I doubt the amount of corruption he occurred during the 3 or 4 extra days made a big difference. He could have stored turns for most of those until he did reach max decay.

It's an interesting discussion about Dict farmer vs Fascist Farmer. Obviously a Fascist would have to carry 25% more military and lose some cash/turn and have to grab more. I do think a fascist would have been better but not so much better to the point that a dictator farmer is pointless.

Edited By: AndrewMose on Apr 10th 2013, 20:16:47
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