

EE Patron

Apr 20th 2013, 15:42:31

Oh dear, the one guy who doesn't want to fix leeching is an admin!

edit: not trying to be rude btw, heh. Just you're definitely in the minority here. There's some tech leech arrangements that might make a little sense, sure, but that doesn't change how open to abuse it is. A player with tech leeches can finish higher than a player without them, that's a simple fact. For those who are competing to win, we don't want to go against a talented player with a tech leech. It's not fair. Or do we have to get leeches too? And then it becomes an even bigger mess. This damage to the game is way more important than your once in awhile scenario where you like to give a guy free tech for some reason (I don't quite understand it, just leave the slot open imo, is offering a guy free tech really the only way you can get a def ally?).

Offensive allies are even worse, because they're overpowered AND can be used for major leeching.

Edited By: blid on Apr 20th 2013, 15:51:34
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Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.