
LATC Game profile


Apr 26th 2013, 18:08:36

lol this guy.. I can't tell if he's overly arrogant or just stupid:

Message from pinafore (#214) sent on Apr 25, 3:15
Good to know my daily dose of spy ops are protecting your best interests, lol. Also, those 5/19 successful attacks/ops today were a good effort and definitely not mediocre. :)

Your (I assume) mock-seriousness and seemingly frantic attempt to defend your actions (whether right or wrong) has proven rather entertaining... I do appreciate that your were humble enough to share that publicly.

Also, sorry for exposing your mediocrity - this really seems to have 'rustled your bushels'! Lol. :D

Message from pinafore (#214) sent on Apr 26, 6:29
1) Use that money to buy SDI
2) Stop using missiles (though the 13/14 failed attempts today did make me smile!)
3) Cash your turns (instead of eating losses from ~30 turns of attack/spy failures)
4) Buy more of mil/bus/res techs if you have some $ left over after buying SDI
5) Put bonus points into food booms
6) Create a status report thread for more thorough tips next set (highly recommended, assuming you are relatively new)
7) Try to beat your top finish (rank 17) and feel proud of what you have done!

I sent him soome protips too, but really to most ppl its just common sense..
1. Buy tanks if you're going to double tap
2. Don't double tap while on GDI

I don't think he realizes that destroying someone in a reset makes me more satisfied than finishing top 10. I wonder if this is mr tits.. kinda talks like him.. though I would like to think tits is a much better player than this guy..

Edited By: LATC on Apr 26th 2013, 18:14:28
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Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?