

EE Patron

Aug 23rd 2013, 14:20:42

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Kalick:
There are 706 countries in 1A, so that means there are 705 potential LG targets. I don't think it is the game developer's responsibility to fix the mess we made with this server's ridiculous politics.

Fairly certain you are from MD so perhaps you shouldnt speak about fluffty grabbing politics since you guys I believe do 90% land to land or I would have already tried some grabs with you guys. Stupid policy designed to get wars.

Want to talk about 705 targets? Well perhaps if Laf and Sof didnt outlaw people from hitting eachother more often than they can tolerate that would be more of an option. I could go on but why bother?

Bottomfeeding is one netting option and I believe it needs to be opened up a bit. Grabs between alliances are political but having no untaggeds has to fall on the developers a bit too. They dont believe their game is up to mass promotion and fair enough. But they should do something else to help out instead.
Even if you did add 1000 players, why would they join alliance and stay untagged? Why should there be any untagged countries to begin with on an alliance server (besides land bots perhaps)?

Edited By: blid on Aug 23rd 2013, 14:32:23
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Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.