
Xintros Game profile


Oct 10th 2013, 13:43:01

[quote poster=Atryn; 26635; 492235]
Originally posted by The Cloaked:
story goes:

Seriously, did NY shut down 911 or something?

"The Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that police officers at all levels of the government have no duty to protect the citizens of this country. It is the job of police officers to investigate crimes and arrest criminals. We are on our own for protection."

People have to make the correct decisions. Your on your own out there when fluff hits the fan and seconds count.

There are no magic police gonna jet out like Superman to save your ass. .... They are good at giving out tickets!

Edited By: Xintros on Oct 10th 2013, 13:46:16. Reason: place of residence
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