
sigma Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 1:56:48

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by andrewmmuller:
this is much bigger than boxcar and earth. i bet some of these passwords that were hacked are also used on other more important sites. that is the problem here. rd members could easily have passwords for banking accounts for members of this community. there should be more outrage for this reason but no. people are more concerned that their earth country was deleted. does that suck for those who had nothing to do with this, yes. but come the f on. i'm here to play a game not worry that my personal information could be stolen.

From what I understand it was hash code used. I am not sure how to explain that.... but not actual passwords. (I think pang or qzjul can weigh in on that more to make you feel more confident)
In the meantime you should always use a different password for different accounts to always be safe. There has been many times gmail, yahoo, and other places big have been hacked and people have gotten ahold of some pretty good info and passwords to get access to bank accounts etc..... something like that in the last few years should teach that. ;)
I most defiantly do not have the same pass for ee, boxcar, my sites, or bank accounts....

Well to clarify.. hashed passwords are just the passwords hashed. Using various tools, one can offline crack those hashes to get the password. Arstechnica has done many in depth articles on how all of this happens.

But yes, if you use reuse your boxcar password anywhere else, those who were involved do have your passwords. It is certainly a security concern, and I would hope that this has been reported to the appropriate legal authorities. What happened was not only unethical, it is illegal. I'm SHOCKED that anyone after hearing about how much data Five Eyes soaks up would put themselves in a position where they can face many years in prison over a silly text based game.

Edited By: sigma on Oct 30th 2013, 2:07:19
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