
Alin Game profile


Nov 7th 2013, 22:44:54

Originally posted by Vic:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by Vic:
finally, i have never once been deleted of rules violations in E2025 or in EE.
and you have.


Isn't that what it said when you logged into your country last week?

ermm no telly, my country 'Mr Lemon Chiffon' is still sitting in protection and has been since you so kindly killed it off. so i have not ever once been deleted for any rules violations of any kind.

alin - listen it's never been contested - none of my identities have ever cheated or been accused of cheating. none were ever deleted for any rules violations of any kind.
not don vic, not rj of steel, not testoni of fbi, not mr clear not mr mango and not mr strawberry and not orbit of tie and omega.
i was too lazy to play 1 country most sets and i never played 2.
look it up. it's fact.
just like it is fact that you have INDEED been deleted for rules violations in the past.
again, i have not. not in e2025 and not in ee.

various heads knew at least a couple of my identities and it all worked so well for me because i never broke the rules or drew attention to any of the alliances i was involved with. if i was playing a country as don vic, rj would only be active as an fa and would not play in the same set. this was not even questioned in my retirement as i was one of a few colors who just didn't play that way.
just how it was.
to this day i have no knowledge of how to do that ip nerd phantom weird stuff and i never will. because i dont need to hide anything and i dont cheat

so say what you want about rd but get yours facts straight about me.

mdevol - i'm as honest and open as i was when i began this thread. unfortunately quite a few trolls, including to an extent yourself (although i do give you credit for being more balanced than most) really degenerated this thread into a dork war and at that point i said f it and trolled back.

the real honest stuff is going on between rd's FR's and other FR's and troll opinion on AT never has mattered.

like i said i remain honest so if anyone has an honest and legit question feel free to ask me on pm, but to come with the nonsense that alin brought and expect a legitimate response... you gotta be crazier than me

Pal in my book a member of Rd = cheater. Call me limited - or whatever, but i learned that from my experience in this game.

Trying to convince me, or other earth old school (that dealt Rd from the other side of the barricade ) is useless.

2 + years ago, when i came back to this game ( after playing 2025 ,) i trashed RD a little on the boards. People around ( i think even some admins - can`t recall who ) gave me the "they are clean now" !!! Yea right ... Is always a matter of time.

Edited By: Alin on Nov 7th 2013, 22:47:17
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