
Mad Morticia Game profile


Aug 8th 2010, 21:58:00

Names such as mine can be inappropriate but expressing your deepest desire to rape children and then kill them in fine with FB.

If they find MM inappropriate, then they don't get me.

Do know why they want your real name tho--they sell your info to businesses, insurance companies, prospective employers, etc.
MadMorticia would not be appropriate for that.

Read about a woman who lost her disability checks because of some things she said on her wall.

Totally agree that parents need to supervise their children as they cruise the net but how many parents do that? So many parents these days are dead tired when they come home from their jobs (both must work to make ends meet) and so just let the kids do what they want to avoid any further hassle in their lives.

Edited By: Mad Morticia on Aug 8th 2010, 22:01:39
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