
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 20th 2010, 4:44:30

Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Pang:
Detmer, you act like this is the first time this has happened and everyone is acting out of character

whenever ANYONE does organized or internal farming, people make posts about it generally denouncing it

when MD did it before, it was the community that brought it to Mehul's attention to get it changed in e2025.

As admins of EE, we already made changes to the system to cut down on the ability to abuse it, so this seems more like a political issue right now. If we think it's upsetting balance (like we felt it was last set and those before it) we will continue to make changes.

Pang, I don't recall two tags doing this before. I recall previous outrage was over internal issues.

If this is not something the admins want in the game they can make a public statement, they can impose rules, they can alter the game mechanics. I don't think you can expect people not to try something that is not outlawed. Or are we the only ones who aren't supposed to see the losses and gains (I realize not everyone has done this, but enough have that I only think it is fair that we have the data)

Ya, that's kind of what I was getting at... it's an ingame issue that will require a political solution. The admins are conscious of how planned land-trading can cause issues in terms of balance and we've already taken steps to stop it once seeing the requests. All I'm saying is that we'll see how things go as you guys try this... if we determine that it gives people who do it an unfair advantage (as the old system did, based on the FFA land results (llaar :p)), we saw that it needed a change.

Edited By: Pang on Aug 20th 2010, 4:47:31
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