
Bambam24 Game profile


Aug 9th 2014, 1:25:54

That's funny just pay google lol thats laughable first of . Spend 10,000 on a marketing budget when you can do it for free. okay then waste your own money but i'll keep mine in my pocket.

Apollo admits nothing and denys everything I don't care if you think the request is real or not i dont have to prove anything to you i made a offer this game was valuable at one time and its not anymore because of closes minded hypocrites like you who know how to code a game but you dont have any idea how to get people to play it and also you probably lack basic social skills required to handle a campaign to market it that you wouldn't get very far if you tried. I put my the link to my personal website that i own in my signature. I used my own time and energy to build the site for my business and i though tit would be alright to share it with everyone. I thought sharing was caring and since we all play together others would appreciate the business i own and the service i offer to anyone anywhere in the united states. Just like this gentleman has posted for people to vote for a community grant or whatever it is so in the end the people who are responsible with creating this website are going to benifit from the grant or whatever it is they are voting on. So since you think that its so easy to be a big shot game owner and web admin you should know that if your going to be in a postiion of authority you should act fairly and unpartil if you take someone else link away you should take everyone's and state that there is no advertising for anything un game related. Or you could perhaps make a special forum for this type of topic weather its voting for a community grant which none of you are in the community so i highly doubt your vote counts but since you want to cheat the community vote thats fine who cares about cheating and also I could tell everyone that i provide junk car removal and they can visit my website and get a hassle free quote no matter what condition your vehicle is in.

I guess you are happy the way the game is going each clan has no more then 40 players. I will still play but it was alot more fun when with more players.

You want results talk to me. We can work something out who are you to say when i'm preaching is empty? You are nothing but a coder with no ambitions. I want to help you out buddy no more bickering and fighting just talk to me pang and everything will be ok we can get back up to 10,000 players in no time.

Edited By: Pang on Aug 9th 2014, 2:00:42
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