
Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 24th 2014, 15:09:35

Well Vic, my experiences is that a tech start is generally superior, if that is what you're looking for.

If Tech is "average expensive", then tech start is of course the right choice.

If tech is "average cheap", then the tech start simply allowed you to use the extra income from your tech start to buy even more cheap tech, resulting in an upward spiral where the tech pays for itself as you grow; you don't have to go out of your way to get that initial tech base to get into that upward spiral. This reset, I played a Demo farmer on Primary, and was able to keep my entire Agri tech above 210% the entire reset, hovering closer to 220%. 5 weeks in, that tech is 230%, and 6 weeks in, its 238%.

The same applies to a casher, 2 previous sets, I was able to keep res/bus consistently over 165% at all times, rather than having to claw your way from 100% to 165% in the first place.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Aug 24th 2014, 15:12:06
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