


Aug 31st 2010, 4:58:41

i am not gregg but here we go

the purpose of these rule changes is to restore balance to the gov types and end the reign of cashers only on the server

THEOs lose their construction enhancement
they are still a powerhouse

who could benefit from the construction enhancement with a nice quick start? hmm
lets give the construction enhancement to the commies
for the first half of the set nothing but commies in the top ten just like the good old days
commies lose their market enhancement

the gov which is supposed to play the market is the democracies so lets give them the market enhancement, they can sell up to 50% of any of the restricted commodities at a time or if the rule does become 45% for all the other gov types make it unlimited for democracies

republics are supposed to be fast closers so lets increase their max turns to 650(300) and let them dash for the finish line but it will not be as easy as it has been

dictatorships are nicely enhanced now but they always get killed and in fact there was only one or two this set. People hate getting hit by an I and some people have a philosophical abhorrence to Is competing for NW titles
set I's sdi at 40% to start the game but that wont be enough

Ts- get nothing. People play them even now and often revert to them in war situations so we just leave them alone
the Techer protection act of 2010

slagpit once asked why techers can no longer compete
and in fact three of this set's big techers all quit on Sunday
the answer is actually obvious and the solution is simple
the coding may not be easy but the theory is easy
first a look at the current situation
because a player can have 1100 turns to play in the last 24 hours the cashers have ruled the game
in this last set for example, 103 was sitting at about 50th rank for most of the game with several hundred turns to play in a casher strat with $1.5B. if he hadnt been hit five times in the final hours he wins handily
the last few sets have been won with amazing fast closes

they sit back with a billion dollars and 500 turns
when the price of bus and res tech falls to $750 they buy it and cash for 450 turns passing everyone in front of them who paid $3500 for the same tech
the techers who were competitive fail because they have to sell for $750. This last set i bought over 500,000 bus and res in an effort to thwart this strat, for a moment the price of res was $3498. seconds later the price fell to $2800 and then moments later the cashers who had used the tech put theirs on the market for $999. so 103 was able to execute the strategy into second place

so how do we keep techers playing after sunday afternoon and stop cashers from a last second buying bonanza win?

the market buys the tech at a set price so the techers know they will never have to sell for $750 per unit
the price the private market pays has to be chosen so as not to give the techers too large an advantage
i think techers will keep playing if the price is $2000-6%

Edited By: lincoln on Aug 31st 2010, 5:06:30
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