
Xinhuan Game profile


Oct 20th 2014, 15:32:17

Originally posted by blid:
OK, so you've got other stuff piled up to do before you get to the app.

How can we get that stuff done so the app can happen?

Can you start a patreon or a kickstarter or something? I'll pay $50 or something, if other people pay too and hit a benchmark can we get fluff caught up and get the app out there?

It's not that its hard to make an app. Especially if its just a browser wrapper.

It's really that making an app serves no purpose. Most of you think "hey lets put it on the app store" and it magically makes money. No it really doesn't work that way. Many friends have put out apps, and they see maybe 500 downloads tops over the entire year, a portion of which are just personal friends who saw it on Facebook that one time. You can read about this type of blogs all the time on the web too.

The App Store is really saturated. To get anywhere, you actually need to do marketing. Buying ad banner space for a week on a heavily visited website that covers gaming on mobile devices would probably cost you $10k, and the returns aren't anywhere worth it, most people don't even notice banner ads these days even if they don't run adblock. What you need then is product reviews from websites that cover games (especially upcoming games), and hope it spreads from there. This isn't going to happen for EE, especially if you don't know any industry contacts with those review websites. This is called "Hype". Is anyone going to make game trailers about EE? Maybe even a promotional video to show viewers why they should pick up the game on the app store? How about a video about all the exciting things you can do in EE?

If your app doesn't appear on the "What's New?" "What's Hot?" or "Editor's pick", or Top 10 Paid/Grossing/Free/etc, you can forget about it. For any typical user that visits the App Store, they either are searching for a very specific app, or they are browsing one of these "top lists".

Edited By: Xinhuan on Oct 20th 2014, 15:41:57
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