
Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Sep 1st 2010, 6:26:50

Military tech now raises private market sell prices instead of lowering them. Private market purchase prices are not effected. The theo bonus and military bases still work in the same way.

Players always had to choose between getting or not getting military tech. Military tech was the only tech that had negative side effects in some cases. In some ways, this was good. For example, this caused a split in demo destocking strategies. In some ways, this was bad. Just ask a tyranny farmer at war.

Reversing the effect of mil tech should strengthen farmers, especially those at war, slightly strengthen CI destocks, increase demand of mil tech towards the end of the set, and depress military prices around the end of the set. Effects will vary depending on the server length, obviously.

It's impossible to predict how everything will end up, but we'll change things around (or even reverse this change entirely) it if imbalances the game too much. Specifically, we want to be sure that farmers won't be too strong or that mil prices won't be depressed too much near the end of the set.

This change will go into effect as each server restarts.

Edited By: Slagpit on Sep 1st 2010, 21:21:32
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