
iccyh Game profile


Nov 12th 2014, 11:53:43

Furious: You should probably check the ingame news of the countries in question if you think any of this is about grabbing. #453 never had any hope or intention of keeping the land they gained; their only purpose was to damage the countries they hit, which may or may not have been a justifiable thing to do but that's a totally different debate than the one you seem to be trying to characterize this as.

The real discussion we should be having here is this:

Should we have human untagged countries on the alliance server?

The only people who play untagged are either total newbies who don't know what they're getting into and risk being driven out of the game, or veterans who are looking to stir up fluff. In either case, the only real value they provide to the server is their land, and if that is going to be replaced with bots, then there isn't any reason to have either of those groups on the server as they are now.

Say we do something like this:
All countries on the alliance server must be in a tag in order to play turns. There will be a 3 day grace period provided to new countries (not including restarts), while restarts could not leave protection without a tag. Warning messages and the like could easily be written and added telling new players the risks of going solo.

What happens?

Unknown tags would likely be treated as hostile by all alliances on the server.

Newbies get the message that this is the alliance server and that for their own protection they should join with others to survive. At this point, if they proceed in a one-man tag or try to start their own without trying to engage with the rest of the community via AT, they at least have been warned that doing so is a bad idea. That is a better situation than they have now.

Suiciders either go to real alliances or unknown tags. If they go to unknown tags, they're probably killed before they can do any damage. If they go to alliances, their victims will almost certainly get compensation and if victims start getting compensation, the incentive to suicide on specific countries goes way down. If the aim is to damage a particular alliance, then sneaking in and suiciding from that alliance is an option, but it shouldn't be *that* damaging to them overall, and they only get to do it once before they're banned and probably have their IP passed around to other alliances as well.