
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Apr 9th 2015, 2:56:17

you're trying to put a lot of words in my mouth here while insulting my ability to even have an opinion to begin with. that pretty much makes my point for me at this stage :p

anyway, I don't even have any strong/outrageous opinions on this issue to begin with. you're really grasping at straws if you think my comment about it not just being a bunch of isolated crazies being up to no good but rather a culture of institutionalized racism in some places means there's a conspiracy to kill black people. I didn't even counter the point that there are a lot of bad apples as I agree... I moved on to the camera discussion when I came back to the post.

reading through the thread again, if anyone is using hyperbole, sensationalism and the incapacity to form a wider view it's been you. you're just not an enjoyable person to converse with. I'm sorry.

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