

EE Patron

May 11th 2015, 21:22:16

Originally posted by Celphi:
It does matter though, because you can't have a decent production if you're getting BR / AB'd. You can have a decent production if you keep it to SS / PS(typo). In the example you posted he barely has 1/10th of this land built.

I'm not trying to claim the idea as new or as mine. My original question was what's the point of turrets when you could ...... (the suggested idea). Just because I'm pointing out differences in their ideas from mine doesn't mean I'm claiming the idea as new or as 'mine'. I'm just looking for someone to point out an example or reason why it fails.

Mrford is correct though. I am often times incorrect and I'm looking for someone to point out where it fails. When someone suggests a reason why it fails and if I accounted for that idea (well if I think I did) I reply with it. Not to be defiant but because I'm looking for the flaw in my strategy.

IT does NOT matter because I am telling you its been done.

I told you why it fails all ready. Now I am telling you it has been done.

Here is someone done it five years ago.

Edited By: earf on May 11th 2015, 21:25:44
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