


Sep 19th 2010, 15:55:51

to those few members of the community who doubt that LaEx exists:
and that they do what the admins say they do which is cheat across multiple servers every reset

this set and this thread along with just a little memory should erase any lingering doubts you may have had
please take a moment to review the evidence and erase any doubt about LaEx's continued presence

Step 1
the thread originator is LaE veteran KSF
there should be no doubt in anyone's mind that KSF plays for LaE on the FFA and for NA on the alliance server
his name has appeared on those servers many times
and he has previously clan killed me when i triple tapped him
there was a thread on that a couple sets ago

step 2
Look at the news at who #37 hit
he ABed KSF and he missiled Global warmer
only those 2
it is pretty much common knowledge now that i am global warmer
if that isnt common knowledge there are six or seven people who can verify it including dantzig, spear and 1 and kingme
all of whom rec'd ingame messages from me

step 3
#37 was killed by a lone country who had no previous history with him a country named valinor
then KSF comes on and posts under a new name that he had #37 killed
remember there were only two countries hit by 37

if you hit KSF or any other LaEx named player you may be clan killed in every set

look at his post
look at the heavy self-importance, his numerous misspellings and the insults
clearly his post has all the characteristics of an LaEx post

thanks for considering the evidence

Edited By: lincoln on Sep 19th 2010, 15:59:00
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