
NOW3P Game profile


Sep 23rd 2010, 19:07:26

I love the post! So full of misunderstanding it's almost sad.

You did not kill CRNA GORA - CRNA GORA self deleted for unrelated reasons, and you tried to take credit for it. You tried 3 seperate times, but were never able to actually kill him until you got help from another player who finished the job you were unable to. Additionally, C R O A T I A != LaE.

Anytime you wanna have your country killed under more "heroic" circumstances, feel free to PM me your number. I'll even do it solo just to show you how it's really done.

"(50)(300) means that you can restart within 24 hours with no loss of turns, no loss of enjoyment"

That would be great if we weren't already 675+ turns into the round. Call me crazy, but if you only have 50(300), you're short about 325 turns, no?

Edited By: NOW3P on Sep 23rd 2010, 19:10:59
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