
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Oct 12th 2010, 13:55:23

if you feel that way, Deerhunter, you are welcome to stop posting here.
No one is forcing you to come here and spew fluff -- unless someone is telling you to do so that I'm unaware of? :p
I don't remember a positive post coming from you in quite some time -- just flames and mod-hate :p

Anyways, I didn't even notice any of this, I've been focusing my efforts elsewhere, but I echo what Slag said -- if you are being a pain in the ass to the people in this community (and those who run the show) and act the way dagga does on these boards, your should expect some time outs, and maybe an eventual permaban if ban evasion continues.

While I agree that dagga brings a different point of view, it's not a positive points of view -- it's the point of view coming from someone wearing hate-coloured glasses. It's not his points that needs work most of the time to be forum-friendly, it's his attitude and the way he conducts himself on these boards.

Like I said, I haven't even been on the boards much, other than B&S and a few fluff-style posts, but I'm not surprised to see more acting out. Expanding on what I said above, I don't think it's really the content of what dagga says that gets him banned, it's the fact he does it just to provoke the admins and other players, namely myself. If he wants to provoke me, that's fine -- but I don't really want any part of it, as I have other things to do, so the easiest solution is just to remove him from the equation when he acts out. I can't even remember the last time I interacted with dagga on these boards, as I've just not been reading the forums, and when I do, it's usually with a tailored post made towards someone who will at least make an intelligent response and continue the thread, not detract into admin-hate. It's unfortunate that he feels the need to continually provoke us til we ban him, then complain that we banned him.

We've only banned like 3 or 4 people on these forums so far, only 2 have been banned multiple times. I don't think it's our policies that are out of whack, I think it's the two people who just want to stir fluff up.

as far as mrford's post -> that's not really appropriate, and I'd invite him to stop fanning the flames on that fire. If you and gregg can't get along, just don't interact with eachother.

Edited By: Pang on Oct 12th 2010, 14:05:34
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