
toma Game profile


Oct 19th 2010, 1:47:03

Originally posted by Fooglmog:
Originally posted by toma:
Fooglmog that might have been the reason Imag started, but Imag doesn't war anyone because they are currently being bottom fed upon. Since Imag isn't being bottom fed anymore it has lost it's reasons to war yet they still war every set.

Pandora's box, my friend. Once you've created an environment where players will coalesce with the purpose of bringing random war -- you can't go back. I don't have a lot of sympathy for people who have to lie in the bed that they themselves made.

I've myself never played in a clan that has had over ~60 members. I haven't in recent times see imag really do anything to these big bad alliances proactively You're mainly just hurting alliances who are smaller than you.

Before I came here I think you had a Laf war or something. Atleast without knowing details I might be able to say it was according to imag spirit.

First set back can't remember what imag did.

Second set I was back imag FSed Fist and Rage, both ~15members. Imag was 30. Sure rage has a history of being a big bad alliance in the past but Fist? I can't atlest remember anything like that when I used to play there.

Then one of your players pissed of LCN and LCN smacked you for end of this and next set. This was caused by one of your members who was a KR target by fist to grab Neo and LCN for ~3-4k acres. LCN didn't like it and you said too bad. LCN killed you this and next set. You we're just as mean to Neo but neo couldn't do anything about it.

Last set you FSed ICN again a midsize alliance. Then forced to war when collab FSed you.

Bottomfeeding vs smaller clans hasn't gone anywhere. I mean laf has been the biggest offender by far. Then coming Sof/Evo far behind (quick glance at Elysium hits). In my opinion Imag could be a good counter force against Alliances having 5-15 big theos/commies farming small clans. If they took a stance that they hit alliances that do such things the game. In my opinion Imag could then be a positive force. Yet Imag has probably pacted all the 3 alliances above.

Maybe the warclans should become intrested in protecting small clans? That will bring atleast at the moment an endless supply of "just" wars for them.

The people who play the game don't really play it for the game itself but for their friends in the game. As a certain alliance stops playing the members of the said alliance decide that they have no reason to play the game anymore and leave probably forever. When something gets an alliance to stop playing it shrinks the memberbase. Imag current tactics of randomly fsing small alliances it can chew increases this. Imag defending these small alliances and giving them power to fight against the bigger alliances in my opinion helps keep them in the game. Ofcourse there is the flip side of the coin when biggish alliances don't get their way and their members quit, but I don't personally have any experience in that so can't comment.

Edited By: toma on Oct 19th 2010, 1:58:19. Reason: added some more fluf
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Originally posted by Slagpit:
Ruining peoples fun for no reason is okay, but ruining it for a reason I disagree with isn't okay. Never change, community.