
Scott Game profile


Jul 30th 2016, 6:45:52

Originally posted by cyref:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by cyref:
Context actually has value Scotty. Why the jpeg? So you can isolate that quote from the context? Here's the sequence:

Originally posted by Heston:
I believe people on government assistance shouldnt be able to vote. Ever. Especially ones that break their leg and collect welfare cause their fluff hurts. However they do vote and post stupid arguments to people that couldnt give two fluffs. Makes them feel smart. Thats about it..

Originally posted by cyref:
Heston you're such a mean troll haha
But would be much better effect if you got your facts straight

Originally posted by cyref:
Heston though, not so much

I hope he suffers a debilitating injury some day that needs titanium and screws to put back together

But only after he has over 40 years of paying into social security

Because I really want to call him a welfare POS when he gets a little bit of that money back in the form of a social security check

that's why this, KoH understood that I was just slinging back at heston what he said originally
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
LOL haha haha......karma IS a fluff ....

Heston seems to think that Social Security is a means-tested government handout welfare program.
It's not.
It's a program I've paid into for over 40 years

Easier than finding the damn thing...

Context seems to allude you. You asked for everyone to be banned for the same fluff you do.

Also, SS is paid into, but only a pathetic fool wouldn't put money away so that it was not an significant amount of their retirement.

And where did I say I didn't? that was your hero heston's fabrication

That's what uncurious minds do - they hear or read some crap, don't verify, and move on believing it w/out any factchecking
Doesn't take long to have an outlook on the world full of false beliefs

Where didI say you didn't? You are acting like a retard.

Also, thanks for pointing out your flaws.

Leave me some angry retard love for the morning.

Edited By: Scott on Jul 30th 2016, 6:48:01
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