
Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Feb 28th 2017, 13:27:36

When I was playing before there were more guides and stuff around, maybe not in the forums or connected to swirve or stuff like that but you could always go to KoD's earth library and get a commie indy startup or a very basic tech start. Other sites were also around. Where are they now?

Now that we have a wiki, couldn't we put up some basic non-optimized start-ups, and guides for how to play early game, mid game and late game? It was hugely helpful for me when I was new to see that KoD had a start-up that could let me get like 40k turrets/jets by turn 100 and I could follow that and I could improve upon it which was quite easy.

I know there are old guides and start-up lying around that are not particularily optimal but still works. This I think would be great for newer players who come in here. I have written such guides for alliances back 12+ years ago but they are not on my computer anymore.

Things that would be helpful:

1. A full indy guide, with maybe 2 start-up options. The startups are easy to find or make. The guide for indy would need like 3-4 paragraphs, tbh. All-xp.
2. A turn for turn tech-start guide for cashers and farmers.
3. A basic guide for stockpiling and destocking.
4. An all-xp theo techer guide with a brief description of TMBR switching.
5. A basic guide for landgrabbing, with and without bots. Like calculating possible turrets from NW+acres, returns and explaining why hitting a target too many times may be a bad idea and the other risks involved in grabbing and also that these attacks are

Either someone can write them up fast or you can copy(referencing ofc) one posted on this public forum or take an old outdated one from your computer or your clan page. Of course you shouldn't share any of the strategies that give you an edge right now and are the result of hard labor. All can be all-xp, suboptimal(but not crap) and they should be written for an individual game like tourney, primary or perhaps express. I think this could improve the game for newer players as well as for everyone else if more new players feel they can improve themselves and learn the game before growing tired of it.