
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 28th 2018, 3:10:37

Yeah I realized my mistake on that a while ago. Gerdy cleared it up. That said I did see him with that Nick a while back so I did think it was him initially but I'd forgotten that he already suicided you. But if you actually read thru the posts on here I retracted that and put someone else I think it could be, but really I'm just spitballing.

Honestly symba is about the only elder who hates laf enough to hit them and then be so flip phone sensation that he doesn't wall later. I've heard members of laf blaming vamps and he definitely would wall.

If it were an elder, I'd typically know who it is so the fact that I don't means it's almost definitely not one of my crew.

I do think it's awfully suspicious that FDF suicided laf the last two sets he played before taking a long break. Then this set we see him start to post and you'll see at that time I say "hey, looks like laf still has suiciders" on his return post. I think if you're not at least considering the fact that I said FDF was a laf suicider, he suicided laf the last two sets before he quit, and the fact that I've asked most clans if they have seen him and they all say no that I've got a safe bet on who it is. That said, I relayed this collection of thoughts to requiem and hash and gerdy since that time so I'm not sure why you are posting week old conversations.