
Strife Game profile


Nov 18th 2010, 1:36:42

Originally posted by WarTime:

You're obviously not the original strife so, therefore, you must be an impostor. I played in 1a for 3 sets before joining my first clan, WAR, because a guy you probably never heard of, Apocalypse, invited me to join one of the several clans he was involved with. While in WAR I became friends with others such as Chipper, Warlord, Topgun, Orkin Man and more. WAR merged with Imag, at least those that wanted to go there, and I went into DoL with Chipper, UnGod, Angel, Bahde, Worker, Stinky, bomber and others.

So, before you get diarrhea of the mouth again, you STFU.

Ok, what is with a certain class of people who, upon finding out that I am (relatively) new, start spewing some bullcrap about their past which noone gives a fluff about.

If anyone has diarrhea of the mouth, really its you.

EDIT: Impostor! Thats a first! I've played alongside people in SoF where the 'original' Strife used to play at and not even one of em called me an impostor. Congrats on being the first, and also, diarrhea of the mouth, etc etc...

Edited By: Strife on Nov 18th 2010, 1:39:21. Reason: Nub
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