
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 20th 2019, 20:32:37

Ohhhh yeah. It was rage100.

Remember symba, sui and spaced (because they were afraid rage was not active enough to be competitive with elders and copped out) all detagged rage and joined elders so I joined my old tag, rage to offset the change and lack of warleader as rage was sorta depending on symba leading. Not only that but I tend to prefer to distance myself from bigots. It still put rage at a pretty severe numbers disadvantage so then mercs started hitting for both sides. I remember from there, some family issue prevented symba from playing, spaced went inactive before the war, and sui wasnt getting along with elders (2 tags in 1 set! Wow!) so he detagged and just suicided me all set because he has a big chubby for me. That was partly responsible for my 1800 defends that set was starting out with like 700 abs from sui. I couldnt ever really find a way to thank him for making me look good.

That set and the tie reunion was really the first times I was inserting rage into the war scene. Since then rage, for a small tag, will contact if they want war. They're the very last tag that does both on this server with any regularity. They're aware how easy it is just to contact us if they want a war no matter how inactive they want to be netting. Sol leadership should take a page out their book. Theres like 5 of them and they have better communication.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jan 20th 2019, 20:46:49
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