
Teaspoon Game profile


Feb 7th 2019, 4:34:32

The problem there is the barrel price assumption. If you take last reset the per turn costs are already higher fpr non oilers because oil was $100. The equilibrium point for a farmer at 220% @$36 bushels is $153 oil. The rquilibrium point for an oiler and casher is roughly $220 per barrel but I dont remember. Idealy changes would want to bring oiker to a consistently competative point.... thus somewhere between $153 and 275 per barrel which, under your suggestion would double or even triple per turn expenses.

You also realise trying to nerf the strength of an all-jetter will also reduce the capacity of countries to jet up and retal which means a big fat dominating commie will be almost unstoppable. At this point the best way to stop a jetter is to kill it (something I am against on solo servers). The way DRs work for special attacks need to be looked at because a failed KR or an AB run on a jetter with enough stock is a license to farm the sever with no consequences aside from potentially being killed. The other thing is that whatever change is made to try and nerf jetter will have a workaround within the bounds of the game and hurt players who need to run heavy jets to retal. By nerfing jetter, you are by extension and consequence nerfing other strats that take longer to get going. [/quote]

You make some good points however I think you completely misunderstand what I was saying on the $80 per barrel mark... maybe it wasn't clear.

Let me explain more clearly. Currently if you go to the advisor tab you will see under expenses various categories.

1. Land expense = $10/ acre every turn... where does that go?. It goes nowhere, just deleted from the game if some or all of that is changed to barrel consumption at a comparison of $80 Or maybe even $100/ barrel then you would then have an expense of 100 barrels per turn for land at 1000 acres. This is not tied to the public market price, people will sell for whatever they want, but it creates a baseline demand for oil without really changing the economics much because that money was spent anyways

2. Same with military expenses. More money deleted from the game about $180 for every 1000 turrets per turn. This could also in part be switched to barrels... maybe 1 barrel for every 1000 turrets/ jets per turn and $80.

The price on the market will still be supply vs demand but at least there will be demand.

Edited By: Teaspoon on Feb 7th 2019, 4:39:22
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