
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 19th 2019, 18:38:34

Originally posted by mrcuban:
I just re read the thread and PO has to be trolling. His agenda and fact source has literally changed to suit his narrative of the current post.

For example: us wall won’t work, China wall did not work (until finished), us wall won’t work because determined people will just get around or under it. States that sit on the border should have a say / pay for it but they don’t want it (source: he spoke to them).

I get tired reading the one sided rationale. It’s so cringe worthy now that one side cannot assertain the thought of a good idea simply because the other side came up with it.

Scary times

That's just a common thing. The median time an illegal has been in this country is like 15 years. The reason they live here outside of the system is due to inaction on reforms for dozens of years. Our system for pathway to citizenship is garbage and whether you like it or not, if you are something as basic as a homeowner you've more than likely contributed to the immigrant culture living outside the system. Most westernized nations have made reforms in the past 3 decades to address things like the global economy and a rise in global population, in addition to the amount of worldwide wealth and consumerism based in the US. Syko is right that the wall is more of reverse symbolism to juxtapose against the statue of liberty which reads "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore." Maybe a giant ass wall will more properly articulate actual American sentiment and not old Christian and land of the free values. And that's all well and good. We don't represent that sentiment at all anymore. It's probably time we had some symbolism thats based on a factual basis about our attitudes.

The point here is that if you really want to stop/slow illegal immigration, a wall will only mitigate only the least common way to cross the border illegally. If you're going to keep talking about the wall rather than real credible immigration reform, whether you oppose or support it, you're ignoring what would actually make the goals of slowing or stopping it, and therefore are just a political sheep and cronie for your party.