
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 22nd 2019, 23:28:20

I'm curious how that moderate rationale will feel about a Beto O'Rourke. He's certainly not going to be a Sanders guy. Tbh I think Klobuchar is probably the Democrats best chance at winning people like that over.

She's uniquely qualified, asks tough questions, and has authored more legislation that got made into law than any other currently sitting senator. That's because she's from the rust belt and prefers Republican legislation as much as democratic. In Minnesota, the Democrats recently merged with the farmer/labor party so it has a completely different, middle American farmer rural vibe. She's never been married to her party and has a whole career of working across party lines to make government work for the people. If you look at the bills she has authored, shes certainly as much of a Republican as she is a democrat, and even thru these times in toxic politics, she still works with Republicans to do what's best for the country, regardless of party. And she's gotten more done than anyone else in Senate at like 94 bills made into law and counting. She's by far most qualified to get Americans working together again.

And tbh. If she gets more than 5% of the vote in any state aside from Minnesota I'd be shocked. She's going to get creamed by some asshole screaming nonsense like Trump does. If John McCain (who I nearly voted for against Obama but ended up going for McKinney protest vote. I didn't want Palin running the senate) were still around he'd never win against a fire and brimstone spitting wack job republican because both parties are electing their cretins that are most wacky. It's like 90% of people believe conspiracy theories and like a soap opera government and 10% of people look at facts and judge character. Nobody wants a sane rational respectable person right now and it's disenfranchising as fluff to the minority of us that do.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Feb 22nd 2019, 23:36:39
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