
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 27th 2019, 1:22:09

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Personally, I won't trust the government of the US again until these high level perps are arrested, perp walked, or dragged in Hitlery's case, charged with the felonies that they have committed under the watch of the now disgraced FBI, and punished according to the law. Until then, I cannot accept anything else the government is doing. There MUST be a demonstration that NO ONE is ABOVE THE LAW in the US. Not one person, no matter how rich and powerful is above the law. When that happens, I will be able to at least hear what the government has to say, but not a second before.

To be honest, you should be disappointed in your party then. When the Republicans controlled both houses they had subpeona power and control of the oversight committee, intelligence committees, etc. The Democrat controlled house is showing off what exactly that means. For as much as the Republicans spread rumor and conjecture about Democrat criminal activity, the investigations found absolutely 0 crimes and indictments. So I'd say if you believe they are criminals, you ought to believe the rebublicans did a fluffty job of investigating. The oversight committees sole purpose is to investigate the executive branch and maintain that check. Adam Schiff is simply doing his job.