
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 28th 2019, 20:46:11

I mean. In terms of the cases going thru the southern district of New York, there seems to be a pretty big pattern of tax fraud and emoluments. The only real doozy from Cohen was that check if it is indeed what he says it is...not really the best dude to ask tho.

Another interesting thing was him saying that Trump is actually NOT under audit. That's a very provable lie and it's as simple as subpoenaing Trump's tax returns, which now the house will have grounds for. Trump's whole excuse for not releasing his returns (as every previous president has done) was that he said he couldnt because he was under audit. Was also a question on his written answers to Mueller. Apparently that was Donald Trump committing an extremely basic form of perjury, but also lying to the American people to shield himself from a likely tax fraud investigation or audit. I think we all remember that lie and I think we all remember him saying it to Congress. That in and of itself is the basic reason Clinton was impeached, lying to Congress. And frankly makes Cohen no worse than trump himself. It's not a good look. Especially telling the same lie to federal prosecutors. That's certainly grounds for impeachment if his tax returns are subpoenaed and hes found to not be under audit. That's plenty enough for Republicans fo bring impeachment charges against Clinton, and all that is before whatever tax crimes he's hiding.

Not collusion at all, but definitely stuff previous presidents would have gotten at least an impeachment hearing about.

For a little historical perspective, Nixon was two years into the Watergate scandal and people mostly knew he had committed process crimes like obstruction when he had his reelection. He won 49 of the 50 states in the largest electoral romping of all time.

Clinton was post impeachment in his 2nd election and won a larger share of the electoral college because his impeachment hearing was also for process crimes.

This tax return perjury business is USUALLY considered grounds for impeachment, would never get 2/3 in the Senate, and would likely help a 2020 reelection for him. That said, when these crimes are found, typically an impeachment hearing follows. That's pretty standard. Usually government decides the people have a right to know everything. And then we get to hear about Clinton Sharpie-blasting an intern. It's fun times.

The dems will certainly need more stuff to sway anybody, but historically they'd be the first Congress not to bring impeachment proceedings against a president for process crimes. If I were on the right and thought this was all the crimes I'd want them to do it. It should help the election tbh

Edited By: DerrickICN on Feb 28th 2019, 21:10:22
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