
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 1st 2019, 17:08:14

I mean, like I said two pages ago, so far what we know is Manafort (an unregistered lobbyist for pro-Russia ukraine) shared polling data with konstantin Klimnick, trump provided Oleg Daripaska with sanctions relief in exchange for contributions to Trump org (no worse than what any other president does with big tobacco frankly but it does happen to be a Russian oligarch), and Roger Stone was in contact with Guccifer 2.0 by way of Wikileaks to acquire the hacked DNC emails.

In terms of Russian collusion I think if that's the only arguement, it's flimsy as hell. To me the emoluments and tax fraud and trump hotel/golf course stuff provides a bigger case for trump being a criminal, but again, so much has been redacted in these filings because it's part of an ongoing investigation. Assuming there is actually something behind those black boxes, then there is more information coming. Based purely on what we have now, I would say he coopted with foreign officials for a variety of reasons but to say the election was a result of collusion is a stretch at least, at worst it's common campaign behavior.

Again, I would wait for the final blast of info from Mueller and the SDNY because I dont think we know the half of it, but as it stands, it's an extremely flimsy case for collusion. I'd assume those black boxes have more damning info behind them but plainly we just won't know until the investigation completes.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Mar 1st 2019, 17:11:53
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