
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 1st 2019, 17:31:37

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
I look at Trudeau similarly to trump, in that I'm curious if these foreign donations from lobbyists are genuinely having an effect on government. Until I see proof of that, I think it's a flimsy arguement to say these guys are compromised.

Like I said before, I'd be curious to know what effect that Libya lobbying had on the Trudeau administration and what length he was willing to go to protect that (for instance by retaliation on the AG).

So you won't have a problem if George Soros pulls his support for the DNC and stops financing groups like move on dot org and black lives name a few?

Lol speaking of flimsy arguments. I guess it would bother me as much as Russia pulling its funding and social media campaign for Blue Lives Matter. In fact less so because soros is legally registered as a lobbyist.