
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 3rd 2019, 18:50:40

I am curious, on the email tip, if youd consider indicting Melania, Ivanka and Jared Kushner as well for use of private email servers for government information. They all broke the same rule. Melania broke it hundreds of times.

I'd rather see them all indicted for it or none of them indicted. Tbh I'm just not sure how much I care about that though. I think Hillary like trump, the process crimes are half as bad as some of this fluff they've done. I'd rather see them indicted for something else worse. Use of private email is something everybody gets hammered on these days. I could have my mind changed about it, but mostly I dont care. I think if I did care tho, I'd want everyone who does it to get hit with charges or whatever. Not just people I'm opposed to politically.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Mar 3rd 2019, 18:53:55
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