
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2019, 15:07:00

Unless they got purpled for not being safelisted and clicking thru the bonus on the same IP (triggers a report), it seems pretty clear violation of safelist rules...

"In order to accommodate players who are playing from the same household or workplace, Earth Empires has a safelist system to ensure legitimate players are not deleted upon suspicion of game rule violations. When playing from the same household or office, players should email the Earth Empires staff with the information of the multiple accounts from the same household or router. Please note that safelisted countries are under more scrutiny than countries not on the safelist. Countries associated with each other through the safelist are not allowed to interact with each other in-game. Examples of prohibited behaviors include allying together, sending FA, doing market buyouts, or attacking the same target. Countries created by safelisted users can, however, play in the same tag and participate in clan-wide kill runs. This policy is subject to review on a case-by-case basis as Earth Empires staff deems appropriate."

You can play in the same alliance together, but its absolutely still against the rules interact. Your admission of interaction between your countries is a clear admission of violation of safelist rules. If you are not safelisted, you likely violated the rules playing on the same IP. Was the same thing when Karnage was getting deleted for farming his "roommate." You aren't allowed to interact with people on your safelist.

If you hit someone you're safelisted with 1 time anywhere you get automatically deleted. Been that way for years.

You should try giving reading the rules a college try. I see a pretty clear reason to delete for safelist violation here...

Edited By: DerrickICN on May 30th 2019, 15:11:44
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