
MILORD Game profile


Nov 22nd 2020, 0:06:48

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Prepare yourselves, US Citizens. The end of the republic is in sight. The US will become the newest Oligarchy in the world soon. Monied interests have 100% attention from politicians, while the US public at large has really no say other than their votes which have become demonstrably worthless at this point since any politician can now purchase a fraud machine to vote for them. There will come a new dark age over this. Liberty will be banished from the world in short order and you will all be taking orders from some "Leftist One World Government Prick".

When the lefties get what they want, the Covid-19 pandemic will be declared over and everyone will be told to trade in their masks for chains in order to be "safe".

My personal opinion is that there is no longer a separate government in more than one country. The world order and the government of all countries is ruled by the alligarhat.
Alligarchy is transnational. She is the unspoken world government. They put on performances for people, in the form of conflicts, wars, diseases, elections, to distract people from the truth. Their goal is to consolidate power and reduce the population. They do not need money, they print it in any quantity. They do not need property and assets - they have everything. They are the masters of life.

born in the USSR