
MILORD Game profile


Jun 6th 2021, 12:07:10

Originally posted by TwoPodRay:
Originally posted by cordycsw:
how? i think the bots are undercutting us all. i have like 300 turns on hand and no $$$ to play turns. all my stuff not selling.

I would say if we had a few demos with lots of cash on hand to buy up military then resell, that could help, but it sounds like there is high supply and low demand, so that would only be a temporary fix!

On Saturday, I finished collecting land ... I saw that there were a lot of troops on the market, planes at a low price ... I bought, the whole cheap army for which there was enough money, and today I sold it. Yesterday I bought at an average price of $ 80 , sold today at 149. Costs 12% market commission, but overall I made some money and supported the industrialists) LoL

born in the USSR