


Dec 17th 2010, 8:13:40


you know that i love it that you have taken so much time and effort with this server

those few of us who only play this server, appreciate it

i think it incumbent on us to examine the effects of the oct10 and june10 rule changes and to disregard any analysis that is based on other servers particularly ffa which from what i gather is essentially people attacking themselves for weeks and then attacking each other for a few days

clan servers are a totally different game and success on them for a gov type is meaningless here

one idea is to hide the F on the scores
why would this work?
because there are people who for whatever nonstrategic reasons hit Fs regardless of their DR

i hate this idea i am about to propse but here it is
unfortunately my ideas that i hate seem to be the more popular
have the advisor warn people when they are about to attack a country which is deep in DR
this will protect the Lazy, the incompetent And thE noob
but it may also protect Fs from incessant pounding

food prices are low even without Fs because of the tpt rule change so the mrket oes not need Fs
so any additional food will probably just be sold on the private market
put F's PM bushel price at $38 to start or raise their % bonus so that it takes longer for the avantage to be eclipsed

one of the complaints about Fs has always been that there is nothing to do with your turns
this is especially true on a server where the spies have been castrated
cant cash, cant tech, cant spy
it makes for a dull set
increase the number of spy ops or give Fs something to do with their turns

Edited By: lincoln on Dec 17th 2010, 8:17:15
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