
alexsiki Game profile


Oct 27th 2015, 21:55:42

-You are at war with somebody.
-You have superior spy power.
-you destroy most of his buildings.
-he drops his land to virtually nothing and immediately becomes a spy god with like over 250 spies per acre.

how do you counter that????

stanrools Game profile


Oct 27th 2015, 23:33:03

figure out his break some how and land kill?
Techer to win it all.

Serpentor Game profile


Oct 28th 2015, 0:14:21

The point in war is that you do what you need to do to make yourself an effective weapon and exploit the opponents weaknesses. He was outmatched in every way by the sounds of it, so he sacrificed his ability to produce goods (dropped land) to be an effective spy weapon.

Now you have to exploit his weakness. Whether by SS, PS, GS, AB, BR, Missiles, dropping land to match, or simply exploit his lack of land by out growing him. Figure out the weakness and use it to your advantage.... He did.
The EEVIL Empire

alexsiki Game profile


Oct 28th 2015, 1:14:42

sure I can out grow him, but not before he destroys over 10 million jets/troops or 10k acres by bombing structures.

The only solution I can see is as you mentioned: "dropping land to match"

This is not the way in my opinion the game should be designed. Why should I paralyse myself and go backwards just so that I can defend against a country that is much weaker than I am.

The thing that makes his sacrifice so powerful and so deadly is that he can drop 10000 acres, as he did and then become a god instantly, without giving me any warning or time to prepare myself.

How about the moderates tweak the unfair rules a bit, how about if such a sacrifice occurs then your spy/land ratio does not come into affect instantly but rather over time, a time-delay if you like. At least that gives the other person a chance to react??

Edited By: alexsiki on Oct 28th 2015, 1:25:40
See Original Post

mrford Game profile


Oct 28th 2015, 1:31:17

people need to stop asking the game code to fix their problems.

if he really did drop all that land and still has enough military to hurt you, he wont be able to do it for long. and if he can he had more stock than you to start with and you fluffed with the wrong country. returns are based on the attackers units as well. also NW differential. you need to use these to your advantage. it is an easily fixable situation, and one that has been nerfed in the past couple years already when op effectiveness was shifted to account for both spal and total number of spies.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

stanrools Game profile


Oct 28th 2015, 1:59:52

if my memory is correct it used to be that if your spal and spal alone wasn't enough you didn't get a spy. now all you have to do is try try and try again it will go though sooner or later at your cost of lost spys. I like your analogy mrford this game has been nerfed.
Techer to win it all.

Over The Hill Game profile


Oct 28th 2015, 4:01:27

Originally posted by alexsiki:

-he drops his land to virtually nothing and immediately becomes a spy god with like over 250 spies per acre.

a country with a measly spal of 250 hardly qualifies as being a spy god LOL

Cable Game profile


Oct 28th 2015, 4:27:16

If he continues to fail more then he produces he's losing SPAL, if he's producing lots of replacement spies he's not producing an army. This is easy enough to counter, by spy tech and switch your country to dictator. Thus becoming a mean war engine yourself. Lose of buildings will be same as if he bombed you, Sept you gained a better country. If this isn't effective then your country isn't as good as you think.

Serpentor Game profile


Oct 28th 2015, 7:19:17

Every country has a weakness.
The EEVIL Empire

Relax lah Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 28th 2015, 14:34:11

Serp, what's yours? :P

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 28th 2015, 15:16:45

I agree that changes to the game mechanisms will not counter effective battle strategery. If the chance to surprise attack an opponent arises, than you would be a fool to ignore the opportunity.
If the war became stale he may be acting out of desperation. Dropping land means he isn't recouping SPAL. Each day he grows weaker. Find two badass Intel allies, buy spy tech, and ride out the storm. Counterattack with ABs to weaken him further. Stock or no stock, his resources will dry up. Save your spies for defense. Pray to Jesus. You may just survive the ordeal.

P.S. You can save spy ops by comparing his NW changes. Did he drop? Probably sold mil or tech. Go up? Bought something. Did his land go up 20 acres in the last 10 minutes? Just signed in. Etc...

Cable Game profile


Oct 28th 2015, 18:15:51

Originally posted by Relax lah:
Serp, what's yours? :P

Being 1st place is over confidence, that can be exploited by a junk punch preformed by a suicider all jetter who destocks just to make that huge retal.

CROATIA is famous for such things.

h2orich Game profile


Oct 29th 2015, 21:48:41

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Relax lah:
Serp, what's yours? :P

Being 1st place is over confidence, that can be exploited by a junk punch preformed by a suicider all jetter who destocks just to make that huge retal.

CROATIA is famous for such things.

a good thing is that top players like serp has learnt his lesson not to hit people like C R O A T I A

Serpentor Game profile


Oct 29th 2015, 23:21:40

You won't catch me hitting CROATIA, or Bibi. They both have demonstrated time and time again the ability to make it not worth your while. Add Ti Annichilisco to that list now too.

I wish everyone used the same country name from round to round like they do. Easy to avoid each other.

Edited By: Serpentor on Oct 29th 2015, 23:33:15
The EEVIL Empire

Serpentor Game profile


Oct 29th 2015, 23:28:31

Oh, even a 1st place country can be worked by someone who focus' his efforts properly. It's no different. Every country on the server can be broken by someone, nobody is safe. I've been hit 3 or 4 times this set. Even h2o got 2 massive hits while having a huge NW advantage over everyone earlier.
The EEVIL Empire


EE Patron

Oct 29th 2015, 23:55:01

Originally posted by Serpentor:
You won't catch me hitting CROATIA, or Bibi. They both have demonstrated time and time again the ability to make it not worth your while. Add Ti Annichilisco to that list now too.

I wish everyone used the same country name from round to round like they do. Easy to avoid each other.

I use the same (similar) name so you can remember to add me to that list, too ;)

h2orich Game profile


Oct 30th 2015, 2:15:48

Serp, dont forget about SFR Yugoslavia and Enterprise NX01 too lol

Then people like HighSpeedThrillCoaster, Ghost, Suicidal usually have super high spal and fairly land thin.

Serpentor Game profile


Oct 30th 2015, 6:59:29

Sfr and Yugoslav have both gotten me before I believe.
The EEVIL Empire

ironxxx Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 30th 2015, 11:54:48

you guys should try changing your names

i know h20 does it pretty much every set, doesn't stop him from winning

i've made the top 10, 3 of the last 4 sets each time with a different name, this is the first set i might repeat a top 10 with the same name

ironxxx Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 30th 2015, 11:56:14

AND i've still got 1 retal to serve this set against one of the aforementioned names listed above, i think it is time

silentwolf Game profile


Oct 31st 2015, 10:33:22

Originally posted by ironxxx:
AND i've still got 1 retal to serve this set against one of the aforementioned names listed above, i think it is time

uh oh.. i hope thats not me ;/

ironxxx Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 31st 2015, 14:58:13

would be very hard to serve against you considering the whole ally thing

Serpentor Game profile


Oct 31st 2015, 17:32:45

Didn't mean a name helps you in any way. I just like to know who not to touch. That was all.
The EEVIL Empire

Ti annichilisco Game profile


Nov 8th 2015, 5:30:40

Originally posted by alexsiki:

-You are at war with somebody.
-You have superior spy power.
-you destroy most of his buildings.
-he drops his land to virtually nothing and immediately becomes a spy god with like over 250 spies per acre.

how do you counter that????

You kill him, by now he has little land and buildings left. Relentlessly, you will be a bit hit by spy ops, but ultimately by dropping land he suicides for a short terms gain. BR/AB/CM will do, but don't stop mid way, finish him.