Oct 3rd 2016, 14:26:30
I like Commie, It seems to be the easiest to build faster, in express, because I can sell oil with out waiting for it to be sold in the open market, for hours, like in the other servers. so when building in allies , teams or primary servers. farms become the most important, items to build up, first for fast cash flow ! But I don't neglect oil rigs, in other servers, be cause like Marshal, I sell oil, to bring up cash for building up my military. I make 100% spies, and buy my military, as I grow, my country's . The hard part is what to focus on building. after reaching a build rate of 60 to 70 buildings per turns ? focused builders, build Labs for tech, industry, for military sales, enterprise zones, for cashers. and oilrigs for oil sales, and farmers, for bushels sales. I am still learning the best tactics for staying in the top 25.