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Why do people with 20X my networth get to attack me.. 5,6,7 times... but I cant retal at all cause of "Enter stupid ass reason here".... this nonsense happens all the time and its rediculous.. fix it or make it not be able to attack both ways
This happens in Primary server especially because the game has a feature called humanitarians, which prevent all players from attacking countries more than 4x or less than 4x their total networth
So what the experienced players do is attack countries that are approx. 4x smaller than they are, and then spend money afterwards to climb higher in networth so they are more than 4x larger than you are
The best way to fight back against this is to learn a basic game strategy and learn how to more efficiently play your turns so that you can get back within 4x the size of these attacking countries and then you will be able to attack them back with missiles or spy attacks or whatever way you see fit
Good luck