
AgapeSatori Game profile


Jul 11th 2014, 2:46:41

I was one of those who stopped lurking the forums, and being tentative to my strategy.

That said, I was promoted to supervisor the other day! :)

AgapeSatori Game profile


Jul 2nd 2014, 3:38:30

Sweet crackers

AgapeSatori Game profile


Jun 30th 2014, 0:58:20

I've tried like hell a few sets now. Always before the set ends I'm distracted by something in life. Also, my strategy needs tweaking. May be randomly messaging you guys in the next set again. Congrats to top finishers. I thought it was a fun run.

AgapeSatori Game profile


Jun 21st 2014, 0:02:20

Originally posted by Netsquash:
Lot's of dumb new players from old school... already wrecked one several times and hes crying like a baby to me in PM

Very amusing after 1 day ago he was talking all smack how he was so great at the game and that I got owned

5000 buildings later.... me thinks not lol

Who ya referring too?

AgapeSatori Game profile


Jun 20th 2014, 23:50:36

Talk your biscuits mein Bekannter

AgapeSatori Game profile


Jun 20th 2014, 23:11:34

Haha is this dude for real? I'm a part of the attack/message hype that Arkuss has pointed out now. Awesome. spcchavel it's a matter of you retaling me for less acres just so you can do so for the fact of the matter. Since you have more acres and less defense I'm eager to grab another healthy chunk from you. I gave you an obvious response to your obvious and plain message of 'retal' ya were so apt to send to me after hitting me up. My imagination has our countries squashing beef now dude.

Then I find you here lol

Edited By: AgapeSatori on Jun 20th 2014, 23:15:45
See Original Post

AgapeSatori Game profile


Jun 15th 2014, 17:52:58


AgapeSatori Game profile


Jun 15th 2014, 2:27:24

Haven't seen it but when I first seen the preview and understood the concept it's all I could think of. Groundhog Day done up to tingle that action adrenaline sense many people share.

That said, I'll still see it. Despite my distaste for Tom Cruise. As a younger kid I enjoyed Days of Thunder and Top Gun. After that I cared less. Tropic Thunder was my great reintroduction to Tom Cruise. Then I fell off again. Till I watched Oblivion, which I thoroughly enjoyed. And judging by his role in Oblivion, I imagine his role in Edge of Tomorrow will be well played.

AgapeSatori Game profile


Jun 13th 2014, 2:06:02

I'm in A dude

AgapeSatori Game profile


Jun 12th 2014, 12:23:57


AgapeSatori Game profile


Jun 12th 2014, 1:47:07

I'm AZ born and mostly bred but still don't favor the Cardinals. Now I root them on of course, but nothe by way of dedication. I am a fan of the DBacks from the Randy Johnson days and the Coyotes. Suns were the beesnees back the day, Kidd, Barkley, Nash, Marion, the crew of the 90s.

Alas, the Cards though... no words to send back to you on that.

AZ love!

AgapeSatori Game profile


Jun 9th 2014, 12:34:27

Congrats to all and better luck next set.

1 Asterix 65 13,671 acres $24,069,816 RG 1761
2 Melon 43 12,302 acres $22,155,136 RG 1801
3 Crimson 3 13,126 acres $20,441,634 RG 1557
4 Orjuwan is a NastyMUF 55 16,771 acres $20,246,157 CG 1207
5 Evil Hawk Tutu 82 12,476 acres $17,809,881 R 1428
6 Enterprise NX01 6 11,426 acres $17,807,022 RG 1558
7 BYOB 91 15,155 acres $16,867,906 DG 1113
8 you hit me I hit you 25 14,693 acres $16,255,092 C 1106
9 Training Montage 84 10,980 acres $16,226,426 DG 1478
10 killyourspies 9 10,676 acres $16,027,302 HG 1501
11 Orjuwan 1 12,304 acres $15,521,082 HG 1261
12 las pinas city 54 14,370 acres $14,718,712 DG 1024
13 Agape Satori 10 15,743 acres $14,320,107 CG 910
14 245 121 13,257 acres $13,343,232 CG 1007
15 Land of the Wilddogs 20 13,854 acres $13,208,993 RG 953
16 S4D0M4S0 16 16,530 acres $12,998,278 CG 786
17 O0o00oOoo0OOo00OoO0oOo0oo000ooo0 71 23,533 acres $12,711,672 CG 540
18 ddog 46 9,694 acres $12,677,477 HG 1308
19 EyE m SeKsI 80 14,325 acres $11,714,244 CG 818
20 klincey 119 13,274 acres $11,536,711 F 869
21 Sswells likes it in the butt 75 12,504 acres $11,496,941 IG 919
22 Drugs Sex and Rock n Roll 86 10,701 acres $9,770,523 RG 913
23 CrimsonReaper 31 14,890 acres $9,532,448 CG 640
24 Liquid Gold 47 9,576 acres $9,423,246 F 984
25 JBM 90 11,225 acres $9,016,088 HG 803

AgapeSatori Game profile


Jun 9th 2014, 0:06:15

How did this competition turn out

AgapeSatori Game profile


Jun 8th 2014, 23:35:18

I remember when you were one of the nice players offering solid advice. Now look at you.

AgapeSatori Game profile


Jun 8th 2014, 21:12:49

I had a lot of fun! I met and talked with some awesome, friendly, and helpful people, that have further affirmed my appreciation for this game. While I strive to be a predominate figure in EE, I have a lot of experience and developing to go through. I can only hope that we all as a community continue to support that same goal! :)

AgapeSatori Game profile


Jun 8th 2014, 14:53:21

I'll have to improve my tech game then because I'm definitely not adequately prepared on that category.

Just to confirm, is cashing just the process of going to the cash page and putting in # of turns?

AgapeSatori Game profile


Jun 8th 2014, 13:47:25

Do I land grab a few for the land influx? Do I play with the private market? Do I burn turns on exploring? What should I have at this point to have a successful finish?

Commie indy build

AgapeSatori Game profile


Jun 5th 2014, 23:08:09

What and when is a good time/method of buying tech off the market for an indy?

I am grasping the indy build slightly but can tell I'm still utterly noobish. I'm feeling okay with my BPT/private market/and grabbing but I've not found out a strategic point/advantage to getting tech.

AgapeSatori Game profile


May 22nd 2014, 12:59:16


AgapeSatori Game profile


May 13th 2014, 1:09:31

I am Agape Satori in game too :)

AgapeSatori Game profile


May 13th 2014, 0:54:51

Primary, and tournament are my first sets since playing a decade ago on 2025.

I've lurked a bit and observed as much as I could and asked several questions through PM to other players.

Express has really where I've hung out the most though since it's offered me a real opportunity to explore the game again.

That being said, I'm alone going into a team server and could really use the comradery.

Are any of you ladies/gents open to that?

AgapeSatori Game profile


May 7th 2014, 17:19:00

Thanks tella :)

AgapeSatori Game profile


May 7th 2014, 13:21:34

When using a phone to play am I going to get deleted for rules violations since my IP changes?

I'm not ready to risk my country this set so I just need some clarification.

While I'm curious btw, what is DR?

AgapeSatori Game profile


Apr 30th 2014, 19:04:20

While we are asking questions. What do we consider stocking? Also, what would the act of cashing be considered?

AgapeSatori Game profile


Apr 30th 2014, 1:15:00

I'm seeing the tella theme sparsely but seeing it nonetheless.