


Jul 8th 2014, 2:02:45

LC had way more class than Sov. Mehul was midly worse than Pang:-p



Jul 8th 2014, 1:45:34

I've been around Earth along time. In that time I've seen two other alliance leaders just like Sov. It's strange how the names change but the behaviour stays exactly the same.

Anyone care to guess the other two leaders I am thinking of?



Jul 5th 2014, 2:51:27

Why post this on AT:-p



Jun 26th 2014, 19:15:50

Just give up evol.



Jun 26th 2014, 15:42:36

Originally posted by Sov:
I am not trying to score points with you at all, I am stating what happened. And we did not bring this up, Atryn did.

Unfortunately Arsenal current MD leadership makes more effort in to trying to discredit me or isolate SoF rather than any real meaningful attempts at moving forward. Every time I have any dealings of any sort with MD it is coupled with MD twisting a knife into me (via the use of lies) with other Alliances.

And so the blood letting goes on.



Jun 26th 2014, 14:06:51

Originally posted by Sov:
Originally posted by Atryn:
We asked everyone in the EE community to stand with us. You declined. Then we threatened. Then you declined again.

We allowed you to gangbang LAF and we stood by and did nothing. That is pretty much the same as most Alliances in EE did in response to LAF's actions. We did not get involved when we could have clearly have FSed Evo and SOL (and won).

THEN you threatened.

Originally posted by Atryn:
Come on Sov... admit it. You "decided" there was more "benefit" for SoF in siding with LaF than MD. This has nothing to do with ethics because your leadership (esp. Flamey) had none. You made a pragmatic choice, not an ethical one.

Unlike MD I do not drop FDPs lightly nor do I FS them. I actually place significant value in all of my FDPs. Since I first became an Alliance leader in 2002 in MX I have never dropped a FDP and FSed them. I also have never threatened a FDP like you did with SoF. The ONLY reason why I remained even remotely sympathetic to LAF's position was that Son Goku, Don TOB and I have all been close friends since I was President of MX and we have always been allied. Don TOB is actually one of the closest friends I have had in this game ever to the point where he left LAF for a few sets after stepping down as Don to play in MX for me.

Can you honestly say you have never FSed a FDP? I can.

I would have gladly of maintained a pact with MD and LAF remaining neutral between the both and dealt with our own enemies as they lay.

I don't really understand why you are still trying to score points with me?

MD's never FS'd an FDP either, we dropped you first. And I agree SoF did let LaF get gangbang'd that first reset. For MD and its vets it was more symbolic that SoF drop LaF. In our minds you were either "with us or against us" at that stage. You've goto understand it was the most massive case of cheating in earth history period and it had been done against us and it was admitted by the HFA of one of our longest and closest FDP's that he knew it was happening. You can see why we would want you guys to drop them or we'd no longer consider you friends.

If duplicity by a senior leader in a massive episode of cheating isn't grounds to re-examine a FDP relationship then nothing is. Don't paint it like we had no cause.

Either way this was like what 4 years ago. Surely we've moved on to new "outrages" =)



Jun 26th 2014, 13:50:52

This is really sad =(

But good luck to both of you.



Jun 26th 2014, 13:48:02

Originally posted by Sov:
Originally posted by Arsenal:

The fact that Helmet and Sov continued to let the wedge LaF created between MD/SoF (with such long history of being friends) is a cause of immense pain to us long-time MD'ers. Maybe we could have been softer (see what i did there!) on our ultimatum to SoF post LaF cheating, but Im sure people could see from our perspective how we'd want or expect in that situation having been vindicated and cheated against on such a massive scale to ask one of our most historic and longest standing FDP's to stand with us in that scenario.

You threatened us. Friends do not threaten friends. You were winning with Helmet and I until that point. I was actually your biggest supporter until you threatened SoF and then blamed me for SoF not backing you. You even tried to convince Helmet to get rid of me. Not the brightest move.

That's your perspective. Frankly at that time SOL wanted to gangbang everyone involved (and I don't blame them and that included SoF). Staying with the MD FDP and leaving LaF was your ticket to avoid any involvement, MD was going to vouch for SoF completely and remove it from the mess. Helmet didn't believe I could do that and insisted I drop SOL as SoF drop LaF as collateral. I wasn't prepared to do that after SOL stood by us during the cheating episode and so that is where negotiations fell down. I did tell Helmet of this political reality. If you view that as a threat then I understand that but that was the substance of the emails between Helmet and I.

It wasn't until afterwards that what you describe above happened (me blaming you). And to be clear I blame Flamey 80%, Helmet 10% and you 10%. I'm sure you guys blame me and perhaps some other MD heads in similar quantities.

It is what it is now Sov. I don't really think there needs to be "hate". Is there love? Nope. But frankly there are like 10 people in this game left and if 6/7 of them are constantly going to fight on the same sides it will eventually destroy things.

Things change in Earth, lines shift and then they shift back and shift again. If we've gotten to the point where people aren't willing to forgive and forget (both sides) then the game gets repetitive to the extreme (remember the game mechanics don't change just the interpersonal relations).

If i've been willing to forgive LaF (for god sakes MD's been FDP'd to them for what a year?) - not that I control this but I also don't fight it at all then eventually guys like you (me) and makinso are going to need to "get over it".



Jun 26th 2014, 13:34:45

Originally posted by Flamey:
Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by aponic:
To be fair Atryn I think relations began to deteriorate 2-3 sets before that. However, I was not playing at the time

True, they started to deteriorate WHILE TC/Hanlong were cheating and nobody would believe us. Didn't we later learn someone in SoF knew about some of it?

So not surprised it was 2-3 sets earlier on SoF's side.

For MD's part, we were trying to restore SoF relations and only wrote it off after that incident... We thought "ok, SURELY now they will understand what we've been saying"... but alas, no.

Changing history much?

They started to deteriorate when Hanlong showed us logs of MD conspiring with SoL/Evo who had been our bitter enemies for half a year. Logs showing that MD's help in negotiating a long-term peace between SoF/LaF and SoL/Evo was actually a plot to allow MD/SoL/Evo to destroy LaF and reduce them to a tier 2 power over the course of a few sets, while making sure SoF couldn't intervene. MD's motivation wasn't a suspicion of cheating, it was Arsenal's longing to avenge LaF over a 6 year old grudge that did involve LaF/RD and bots. Although MD was prepared to protect SoF, they were effectively relegating us to a junior partner without us knowing.

But of course we found out, because Hanlong had Boxcar admin access, which was given to him by TC who had rights... Immoral, but very different to cheating. He showed me pretty much everything of notice on your heads board, including logs with SoL, but there was no paranoia about cheating, not until at the very end where everyone thought Christmas had come early and discussions about how to make the most political capital out of it arose.

When it was claimed that Hanlong was going much further and that had actually hacked the Evo db, action was taken against him and LaF got crushed that set, which they agreed to and we agreed to. However, we were not going to let them get banged for a second set, when we knew the motivation was more about server dominance (I'd seen enough evidence). We defended them against our old enemies SoL and Evo and MD/PDM decided to FS us.

But if people want to blame SoF for deteriorating relations, I'd just tell people to look at how many FDPs have SoF dropped (and subsiquently FSed) compared to MD.

Flamey is right in that LaF showed SoF logs of me conspiring against LaF (shock horror because we suspected they were cheating! - oh and btw these logs were obtained by hacking boxcar). But misses three vital points;

1. We weren't conspiring against SoF (for example we never dropped SoF's FDP until AFTER it all went down, LaF was exposed and as Sov CORRECTLY points out discussions were had directly with Helmet asking SoF to side with MD post revelations etc)
2. Before we approached SOL/EVO or anyone else we told SoF of our suspicions and asked SoF to help us investigate / stand against LaF - you can confirm this with the then SoF VP Ivan.
3. You have admitted in the past that you knew the logs from LaF were obtained by cheating. We assume and I believe other SoF heads when they said to us you didn't pass this info on to them (how LaF got the logs)

It was Flamey more than anyone who caused SoF to side with LaF and create this conflict. LaF have fixed their house, SoF still haven't.

The fact that Helmet and Sov continued to let the wedge LaF created between MD/SoF (with such long history of being friends) is a cause of immense pain to us long-time MD'ers. Maybe we could have been softer (see what i did there!) on our ultimatum to SoF post LaF cheating, but Im sure people could see from our perspective how we'd want or expect in that situation having been vindicated and cheated against on such a massive scale to ask one of our most historic and longest standing FDP's to stand with us in that scenario.



May 14th 2014, 16:59:15

It's MD, LaF, SOL in the top 3 in no particular order purely given numbers and recent results;

LaF's obviously superior in netgaining, but has a slightly # disadvantage over MD right now. SOL beat SoF in a war a reset or two back. Seems to put those 3 slightly ahead of SoF / PDM etc.

But all very close and competitive, probably for the first time in along time which I personally think is great for the game.



May 13th 2014, 1:07:40

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by Arsenal:
Originally posted by morwen:
Did you read the entire post? Seriously?

ugh... edit
a. the time where you could leave your front door unlocked in this area(aka game) is a LONG time ago. (and it this aint texas)
b. i didnt say the front door wasnt locked, in fact IA work only starts with accepting an application.
c. i never used the word deserved, i merely suggested that i find it amusing.

SoF hasn't & wouldn't give us their IP logs to compare anyway, so this is a completely mute point.

Re iScode: you achieved one thing - you got my attention and made me login to EE forums and boxcar. You'll probably also get my top ranking farmer to give land reps to LaF, which if anyone knows anything about me is pretty huge.

You've also done one other thing, also probably unintended.

Only Laf? Man i feel sorry for the other alliances who miss out on such top ranking land and have to settle for the crappy poorer land from other MD'ers.

My real goal was to make sure everyone could enjoy such high quality land that comes from Arsenal, thanks man you just ruined everything :(

Unsurprisingly LaF asked for the most reps.. =)

The problem for you iScode is you are just a squirrel in this game, a squirrel looking for a nut. You have no real influence or presence, you don't move the needle in any appreciable way, and that's unfortunate because you really do try ever so hard to be noticed.



May 12th 2014, 18:50:23

Originally posted by Alin:
that was just a common joke Boltar. I, for one, was sure that neither you or Ivan were spies in your short history of MD.

When you spy you come back-door, a fake identy, low profile, iscode style. You came front door.


Boltar you and Ivan are welcome back to MD anytime.



May 12th 2014, 14:55:39

Originally posted by morwen:
Did you read the entire post? Seriously?

ugh... edit
a. the time where you could leave your front door unlocked in this area(aka game) is a LONG time ago. (and it this aint texas)
b. i didnt say the front door wasnt locked, in fact IA work only starts with accepting an application.
c. i never used the word deserved, i merely suggested that i find it amusing.

SoF hasn't & wouldn't give us their IP logs to compare anyway, so this is a completely mute point.

Re iScode: you achieved one thing - you got my attention and made me login to EE forums and boxcar. You'll probably also get my top ranking farmer to give land reps to LaF, which if anyone knows anything about me is pretty huge.

You've also done one other thing, also probably unintended.



Apr 14th 2014, 19:22:23




Apr 7th 2014, 17:35:28

@tella, the top finisher definitely had a large amount of FA, he physically could not have made the stock he did off his acreage and turns based on market ops at various intervals.

Its not a disputed thing.

Qz you should change the rules to stop FA of more than X, Y or Z in any one package.



Apr 6th 2014, 22:44:25

Both the TPA player and Osso were FA'd.

Thats beyond question.



Feb 24th 2014, 5:33:33




Feb 12th 2014, 2:08:50

Aponic - I'm not an MD leader anymore and haven't been for some years. I can speak accurately about historical events I was involved in, but I don't know too much about all this current stuff, e.g. the he said she said that tella is talking about.



Feb 10th 2014, 22:02:56

Sorry posted the above reply before I read the thread and realised virtually every post was slating you on the same point I was making.

A couple of points in general:

- It was LaF (TC, Hanlong) who wants me out of MD leadership
- The whole LaF/SoF bloc wanted Pride out
- No external alliance influences MD leaders or Presidential choices. Unlike almost all other alliances Presidents are decided by an open vote of the Veterans and therefore unless you have influence over the MD vets core you have no way of influencing the leadership choices
- On that note, neither I nor Pride were ever pushed out of MD leadership
- I only left leadership after the first round of hacking was revealed (I was vindicated)

On SoF specifically:

- Ask Ivan and Helmet, I was very pro-SoF and anti LaF to begin with
- I often asked SoF to side with MD over LaF
- We maintained an FDP virtually throughout my entire presidency, except once they sided with LaF post cheating scandal. To Helmets credit our correspondence at that time remain private
- Flamey is a confirmed cheat (he was the SoF head with DIRECT knowledge that LaF's "sources" were from hacking boxcar)
- Sov is RD

Sov is less of an issue for me personally than Flamey, who imho cannot be trusted on the same level as TC or Hanlong.




Feb 10th 2014, 21:39:28

Originally posted by aponic:
I would also like to say that I think enough time has passed and that circumstances have changed considerably to the point that it is time for LCN, MD, and SOL to begin thinking about pacting SOF and moving away from the block pacting they have been pursing over the previous several sets. The game is at a stand still politically and you have been sitting in the power position for 2 resets now. The ball is unquestionably in your court.

Although I am open to a dialogue covering many topics, I will not be humoring discussions of forcing out parts of our internal leadership as has been brought up repeatedly by LCN in particular and SOL previously. I want to point out that this has been a prior set talking point that in my opinion goes beyond foreign affairs relations and into the realms of controlling other alliances.

I will make some attempts to respond to questions posted on this thread but that I am also very busy like many of you and will not have the ability to check on this thread with great frequency. That being said, you can also push questions to my inbox if I fail to address them here.

Lol, this is the most hilarious thing I've seen in quiet some time. Are you seriously posting a plea on AT asking for this? You do realise you did exactly the same thing the other way around for over a year? Shoe on other foot huh?



Jan 28th 2014, 17:08:41




Dec 31st 2013, 16:01:49




Dec 30th 2013, 0:27:42

It amazes me given all those logs released last reset that Candyman remains HFA here.



Dec 30th 2013, 0:26:47

Sov you are a muppet.



Dec 5th 2013, 21:22:01

w00t pang concentrating on the big issues in earth I see :-p

Wulf, calm down who cares its a rounding error. Less time you spend arguing here the more time pang and co are spending fixing EE and finding cheats.



Dec 5th 2013, 20:39:32

Well, I clearly have alot less time than Wulf.

SoFt (#783) NW: $5,757,575

Suck my balls!



Nov 25th 2013, 20:27:17

Sorry Helmet, but I've now seen the evidence =(. You were better off just doing what Sov did and keep quiet.



Nov 6th 2013, 18:04:31

Originally posted by Kalick:
Originally posted by Loc:
Any MD head active in RD while active in RD should be removed from MD permanently. And i'd extend that to any MD member.

MD is aware ruthless used to be active in RD, but she was not active in RD while in MD. If she had been that'd be a problem. But we trust her statements fully.

So Vic, go ahead. Do a big reveal, at least that would be useful. Allows alliances to clean ship and remove the doublecrossers. Make another big vid about how you da man ;)



Clean alliances do not feel threatened when you claim you will reveal their leaders/members as participants in RD's shenanigans. We want you to do so, so we can get rid of them.

+1 Loc
+1 Kalick

You all talk Vic or you going to reveal?



Nov 5th 2013, 0:55:37

Yes, my nick reclaimed!

I think Detmer would be a good choice.