Jan 6th 2014, 11:31:13
I am not a mod but as tella said qz has asked for my opinion or suggestions for some of the changes over the past few sets. To answer the questions in my opinion (i am not talking for qz, etc)
1) Have the changes that you've made delivered the results you were trying to achieve? (As in making a FS weaker or w/e your goal was)
Ans - My understanding has been that the changes were intended to make war competitive for the duration of a reset. OOP wars sucked as people quickly lost interest where there was a large imbalance (whether NW, membership size, etc). Similarly, as already mentioned, if you spend weeks building a country for it to die in 20 sec and then have to start from scratch is annoying. Based on this some of the changes i believe were made to try and draw out a KR so people have a change to wall, the time based DR changes over the previous sets i think did do this to a degree. Did it do what the admins wanted exactly, no idea. The NW ratios affecting the losses to the attacker and defender, i think does work towards balancing out NW differences to a degree, once again no idea if it is as envisaged by the admins.
2) Do you have intentions of making changes next set? If so, do you plan on returning things to the way they were, or just improving on the current changes?
Ans - No idea. Haven't had any ideas bounced off me or suggestions asked for. I have been working on a warbot for PDM which qz asked if I could provide a version which will be available for all EE clans. I intend to do so but due to RL time is limited.
3) What do you now classify as a win or a loss in a war, where killing is underpowered, and leveling is overpowered?
Ans - Don't think this is for the admins to determine. They don't provide war rankings. The player community decides i think, someone could "win" a war by having killed the most countries, tag killed the alliance, and have a massive NW advantage. Alternatively, they could have done all that and shafted all their allies, and committed political suicide. So do the stats count or the way that alliance is viewed? Did the alliance who lost by stats make the point they were after? etc etc *Shrugs* this is a semi sober, semi awake post :P
4) When you guys are making changes to the game, how do you determine what you will change? Are you taking advice from players, or just making them based off your game play or what you see happening?
Ans - I was asked for ideas and opinions on ideas by qz. Why the admins choose to target a certain aspect of the game i dont know.