


Jun 25th 2024, 7:46:31

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Drow:

4. You suicided evo for the second set running, and they've finished with 30% of the top 10, and 30% of the top 20, whilst you got your fecal matter forcibly compounded a second time, and finished with a combined alliance NW significantly less than that of evo's worst country, after doing more genius things...

Poor Pony and galleri. *insert sad face lololololololol

Aww I'm sorry, there was no insult intended there for you guys :)

lol none was taken. I was there to stay low so I could help hit when needed.
Meanwhile, Pony aka Bromance was busy the last set. Something to do with green beans I think.

I appreciate you making excuses for me but the truth is I just suck this game.

I live in Evo so I get to win by association.



Jun 25th 2024, 0:38:29

Originally posted by Josey Wales:

It’s time for you to let bygones be bygones on that one.




Jun 25th 2024, 0:20:04

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Drow:

4. You suicided evo for the second set running, and they've finished with 30% of the top 10, and 30% of the top 20, whilst you got your fecal matter forcibly compounded a second time, and finished with a combined alliance NW significantly less than that of evo's worst country, after doing more genius things...

Poor Pony and galleri. *insert sad face lololololololol

I think we were technically on Cath and Josey's side, helping to bring down the Evo TNW/ANW from the inside.

They should thank us.



Apr 27th 2024, 8:24:42

Lol you losers take this game far too seriously



Apr 17th 2024, 9:36:46

TheBOMB killed me once.

Thanks for the memories.



Apr 17th 2024, 9:36:06

Originally posted by Requiem:
and I am playing in PDM (TM).


What the fluff now?



Apr 17th 2024, 9:30:07

Perhaps another way of presenting the teams would be to have two overarching teams: Red Team and Blue Team.

Human players are put into Red Team automatically, but can join Squads (basically, the same as a 5 or 10 man clan in Teams).

Bots are Blue Team, similarly all set up into Squads of their own.

That way the presentation of the server is that any and all human players are effectively on the same side, but competing for greater bot kill counts than the other Squads.

Also, please just say "Shut up now, you're a lot of ideas with no idea" whenever.



Apr 17th 2024, 9:26:43

Is it possible to remove any scoring by tally of NW? Like, countries can still have a NW calculation etc.. but no Clan Standings record of ANW/TNW?

I suppose that doesn't fix the idea of people playing in the server counter to the idea of PvE but if they're not killing NPC/bot countries, they'll just be ranked at the bottom in Clan Standings with 0 points/kills.



Apr 16th 2024, 8:51:21

Would it work if setup like the following:

-- Set number of members per clan - like 5 or 10 or something
-- Players cannot attack any other human players, at all (no war actions or spy ops)
-- Bots have "tiers", as in some are low land, low def etc that are easy kills, whereas others are high nw, high def, high tech, maybe even identify them as such via different coloured names, similarly generated names per tier, etc
-- Killed bots are replaced with new ones after 12 hours
-- Clan Standings page shows the number of Bot/NPC kills each clan has made in the set (a bot kill registering as rewarded to the clan of the player to make the final killing attack, or the clan with the most hits on a dead country within an 8/10/12/24 hour window)
-- If it's not too much hassle, maybe even give specific bot/NPC tiers a higher score for a kill, such as 1 for a grunt tier country but then 3 or 5 for a boss tier one

Perhaps some of the Teams server regulars could also help work out an optimum explore/turn rate based on their experience with managing small war teams?

I dunno. Do bots have to be run as a similar startup country, or is it possible to start a server set with some bots already at like $2-4m NW, and some sitting at $15-20m? Give them some decent SPAL too so that teams are also forced to have some spy countries?



Apr 3rd 2024, 21:54:15

I support this idea also.



Apr 3rd 2024, 21:53:20

I support this suggestion.



Mar 20th 2024, 3:52:51

You can do it, MrEd. Greatness is something you were born for.



Mar 20th 2024, 3:52:08

Take care, Doug. Hope to see you back and well in the future!



Mar 19th 2024, 21:31:11

Anyone got reckons on this?



Mar 11th 2024, 2:47:50

Originally posted by Slagpit:
It's possible, but it's probably not what you are interested in.

It's important to define what you mean exactly by "rules". Generally speaking, there are different server parameters that can be changed without needing to modify source code. You can find most of them here:

If you wanted to pay for a custom server in which you set the rules as you want, I see no problem with that. But if you're looking to define new gameplay elements such as "Players who create countries are randomly assigned to clan tags." then that would require a change in source code which adds prohibitively expensive labor costs.


Dreams: Dashed. :(

Thanks anyway, Slagpit.



Jan 25th 2024, 2:01:54

Originally posted by Ruthie:
I used to play Total Annihilation with DIStopia. He would always kick my ass :)




Jan 24th 2024, 22:01:01

Originally posted by Tertius:
I really liked your Fiesta server idea!

Edit - adding link for those who didn't see it before:

Shhhhhh! That's sort of what I was trying to get at but without telling *them*.



Jan 24th 2024, 21:35:29

How much would that cost?



Jan 24th 2024, 21:23:13

dogs can't look up



Dec 6th 2023, 20:15:09

I thought we were the Borg?



Oct 6th 2023, 2:55:27

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
fluff off now you're making up fluff....

You started this thread assuming that it would be deleted because of some libtards.

But if I'm to be accused of making fluff up, you started it.



Oct 6th 2023, 2:42:13

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

Winner gets dibs on the loser's cutest sheep.



Oct 6th 2023, 2:37:48

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

Libtard are the counterpart to conservatards, extreme ends, they're just brainwashed and don't know better than what they hear from CNN or Fox.

Lol, no. They are not the same and you should feel dumb for even suggesting it. No one uses conservatard. No one except maybe dummies on Facebook groups and news comment sections. Maybe.

There is like two threads on EE, including this one, where "conservatard" is used. There are four pages of threads that contain the phrase "libtard" and it's unsurprising that your name is on a bunch of those threads.

Similarly, no time in the past five years has "conservatard" even been close to being as popular of a search term as "libtard" has been.,libtard&hl=en

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Those quotes quoted don't mean fluff, my point stands, hypocrisy of US politics.

Your point is dogfluff because you can't deal with the fact you were wrong.

- Trumps fraud case was not thrown out
- Hunter Biden is still being investigated
- And there's no liberal conspiracy coming to silencing you for voicing your misguided, misinformed opinion

But you've gotta stick it to the libtards, don't you? So why let facts and mistakes get in the way?

Embarrassing to have to be told that by a foreigner.



Oct 6th 2023, 2:02:16

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

Where did I say I despise libtards? Show me!

Show you what? Your repeated use of the term libtards prior to this thread? Your near exclusive reference to them in a negative light? The constant portrayal that libtards are at odds with your views and values, of which you're so self assured is the morally correct and right one? The victim complex you seem to have about libtards being out to cancel you and people like you for supposed wrongthink (which hasn't happened, has it)?

I've already quoted you your own bullfluff back in this thread and you've ignored it for the sake of keeping your bubble intact. Why should this be any different?



Oct 6th 2023, 1:08:46

I hear from multiple people that you're fluff at netting and warring.

I'm also a Kiwi who is fluff at netting and warring.

I wanna find out which one of us is worse next set if you're up to come back for a little friendly competition.

You can find me at UpTheWahs.



Oct 6th 2023, 1:05:24

Also, fluff you from this account too BlackHole.



Oct 6th 2023, 1:04:56

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Are Bro and Marc the same person?

Are Ko and Coalie the same person?

I'm very confused.

Yeah, we are.



Oct 6th 2023, 1:04:34

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

They even attempted to overthrow him immediately after getting elected


You're comparing politicians trying to use political process to whinge about election results to private citizens forcibly taking over the Capitol?

Nice one, champ.



Oct 6th 2023, 1:01:11

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

LOL you're using mainstream media talking points hahaha

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do if you're either incapable of reading, or intentionally choosing not to.

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
What trump said is no different from what Dems said before him... like I said, Hypocrisy.

I'm also not sure what you're trying to say here. The Dems have used inflammatory rhetoric before? Thank you, Kaptain oHbvious.

Proving they're as bad (or worse) than Trump doesn't mean fluff to me. The Dems aren't my team either.

As far as I'm concerned, you're just as bad as the libtard you despise so much.



Jul 12th 2023, 4:34:25

Hey, look, it's me being annoying about this again! <3



Jul 7th 2023, 3:43:58

Stoked for van Gisbergen. That was a really exciting race to watch, I hope NASCAR street races become more common. Be cool to see how Gizzy finds and adapts to the oval. I presume he'll have a lot more to learn from the NASCAR guys there but I hope this sparks a bit more crossover driving between the hemispheres as the Americans get more comfortable around road and street races.



May 10th 2023, 0:12:05

Did you just declare that BlackHole is Earth's Tom Brady?



May 3rd 2023, 4:31:18

I don't mind speaking to personal experience; suffering a bout of COVID is not too bad when you've had a few nose beers, but once the fluff wears off.. It feels a lot worse.



May 3rd 2023, 4:30:06

Q: Can you please tell me what sort of affect cocaine might have on a COVID infected person?

A: As an AI language model, I do not promote or condone the use of drugs, including cocaine. However, to answer your question, there is no clear research or evidence to suggest what effects cocaine could have on a COVID-19 infected person. However, using drugs, including cocaine, weakens the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to illnesses like COVID-19. Additionally, sharing drug paraphernalia, such as straws used for snorting cocaine, could increase the risk of spreading COVID-19. It is important to prioritize one's health and avoid drugs or substance use during this pandemic.




Apr 24th 2023, 23:00:02

Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by SuperFly:

Also not sure why my invite got lost in the mail but I did play one set with imag for iscode many moons ago

Honestly scode can suck the left nut of a bull plowing a heifer for what he did when he abandoned iMag. But you're better than that to me SF. Go ahead and drop me your country number and I will grant >you< a dnh.

What did scode do?



Apr 3rd 2023, 21:13:51

Originally posted by SuperFly:
bro you have nice teeth!

Chin like a stack of pancakes though.



Apr 2nd 2023, 21:03:26

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Tmac:
BH has been honest with me in private messages. If you change your mind or aren't sure if you were being manipulated I can't possibly know that. I think it's best to go by what people say directly after an incident instead of months later. My post is only facts. If you think I'm lying about anything or leaving out anything please let the community know.

Right - that's why I'm telling you. I know you don't know what's going on in my mind, or are familiar with my current interpretations of conversations, which is why I wanted to share them.

My initial interpretation of the conversation was when Coalie was in my alliance on team, and I thought he was going to be with us going forward. I didn't realize at the time he was actually a Darkness guy, and I didnt know his identity.

The conversations I had with him and Gerdler (and superfly and req) at those times were when I was unsure of the histories of alliances, and didn't even really know who many people were. When Gerdler joined us in team, I didnt even know who he was.

At the time those conversations took place, I was very close with Coalie, and he had me convinced that Gerdler was attempting to manipulate me. I obviously believed that, and relayed that information to others.

It wasn't until after team ended, when I learned about who Coalie actually was, and started to understand the way the game was really played behind the scenes, that I realized my conversations with Gerdler weren't as I had once interpreted.

I realize that's convenient for that information to be shared only now, as it partially exonerates LaF, but I have mentioned this changing interpretation before, publicly (I'd have to find the thread).

This is not the first time I'm admitting that my interpretation of my conversations with Gerd had changed.

Ultimately, here is what I think is happening.

EVO is rightfully pissed their netting set has been destroyed two sets in a row.

You can blame me for the first set. I did that, and I did that on my own.

Mercs has successfully convinced you that I took those actions on behalf of LaF, and thus were able to secure your support in their war against LaF. As such, you supported them, because you believed they supported you.

This is the first instance of everything starting to fall apart. The reality is that Mercs is spinning propaganda to benefit themselves.

Once you started aiding Mercs etc, LaF, rightfully, got pissed. Many of them took it out on EVO guys on other servers.

TMac, we have discussed this. I was not a part of this, but I did have one or two resist guys who joined in on the attacks initially. They did this without my consent or knowledge. And I apologized immediately after. I understand why they did it, but I also felt it was important for Resist guys not to take part in those actions specifically because of what I had done to you all in the previous set.

I don't know if I have a strong opinion about LaF letting rivalries cross servers, but I have recently been told by Darkness that that is how things are done. So I can't really fault LaF for that.

After attacking you on other servers, FA aid still came to Mercs etc, so LaF made the decision that they needed to stop the FA from flowing.

There is no other way to deal with a proxy war then to attack the party engaging in the proxy. What would you have them do instead? Their enemy keeps getting replenished from a near unlimited source of resources.

Ultimately, had EVO not engaged in FA'ing, it is likely they would not have been attacked by LaF, as LaF didn't attack them the round before.

But they did engage in a proxy war, so I feel like the response was warranted. If PDM was FAing us, and we were using it to attack Mercs, I would expect Mercs to attack PDM as well.

I do not have the information to talk about whether or not alliances were canceled, when, and what discussions took place. But it does sound like EVO knew there wasn't a pact this round, and made decisions to FA an LaF enemy.

That's a choice that you can certainly make, but I don't know why we are surprised that their were consequences to those actions.

I want to point out one last thing. When I originally hit EVO, after hitting PDM and Omega, one of the reasons I did that was to get back at Darkness. Darkness says they will protect EVO no matter what. EVO is like their little pet that they guard.

The problem, for EVO, is that they then become party to Darkness antics. When Darkness wronged us in team, and I learned about their relationship with EVO, it made me want to hit EVO to get back at Darkness.

What I'm trying to say is that if you guys want to net, having such a close relationship with an alliance in Mercs/Darkness that antagonizes and bullies others, is a good way to get you on the bullied target lists. If I can't hurt Mercs, I'm going to hurt someone they care about. That's EVO.

You'd be more safe if you were truly neutral. But you're not. I think, ultimately, that's why you've been attacked two rounds in a row.

Holy fluff. I know this is a text based game but who the fluff has time to read all this fluff?

Be more succinct, loser.



Mar 15th 2023, 2:43:41




Feb 19th 2023, 21:36:11

Maybe it's an invitation to attack him to confirm that you do, indeed, like to puff on the pink cigar by choice?

Maybe #433 is just putting the feelers out there to see if anyone is into the things they're into?

Kind of like secret Grindr on EE.



Feb 16th 2023, 2:28:28

Mate, the bots laugh at me as they finish with higher NWs.



Feb 16th 2023, 1:20:28

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:
Just as you sniff a billion NW...

Ha, requiem. This poor little lost boy thinks I have it in me to sniff a billion NW. Lol.



Feb 15th 2023, 2:28:38




Feb 12th 2023, 21:29:58

What happens if Super Angels only gets two countries?



Dec 14th 2022, 20:47:11

Originally posted by Doug:
And to think people used to bitxh at me for my long dissertations on the forums lol - I learned long ago that y’all are freakishly scary people and I don’t say dixk anymore lol but interesting thread.




Dec 13th 2022, 21:50:09

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

Sammich, its sammich, get it right kiwi! :P

Some say sarnies, mate.

I got yelled at by a Yank for calling a "chicken sandwich" a "chicken burger" once. I thought it was a weird thing to take issue with considering I was banging his wife at the time but he was very upset by my incorrect terminology for food.

Originally posted by Suicidal:

Trufe ^^ it IS sammich

I feel like you're ganging up on me now.

Originally posted by galleri:

Ah my favorite foot person ever. Where have you been? :P

Been rushed off my feet, mate. *rimshot*



Dec 13th 2022, 21:42:25



Dec 13th 2022, 2:10:31

Nice work guys



Dec 8th 2022, 2:19:37

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Honestly between people sayin mean things and people trying to do the old Soviet Union tactic of re-education for wrong-think I think the power tripping authoritarians are the larger threat.

Fortunately the odds of coming to a freemasonic nation and taking our right to be free men is zero. It will never happen.

Having said that I can be fairly racist (I think everyone is to a degree) but the Asians that have come to America have conducted Themselves very respectfully and have earned my respect hands down. Same goes for all the India immigrants, very nice people and have caused zero trouble here.

There is a group I won’t talk about that I think OP should be worried about. They go around in large packs beating the **** out of asian people on a regularly basis and seem to think is a game or funny.

I’m literally Jewish too so I could very easily say “ban everything that hurts my feelings”

But I won’t because I am a man of God and sincerely believe it is wrong to take another humans free will, even if you don’t like them.

Be careful what you wish for, a tyrant could rise to power and he could legislate what you are allowed to say. You never know how close one is my friend. One could rise tommorow, the stage certainly seems set with the people desperate for a leader.

I know this is just a game but the implications of OP go far beyond that.

Also that Jared Loughmer dude was a bat**** crazy lunatic the guy was nowhere even close to grounded in reality, his old posts are still up here I think. Guy was schizo as it gets word sandwiches and all

Word sandwiches, you say?



Jul 6th 2022, 22:46:05

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Must be tasty Kool aid.

Only fatties and children drink Kool Aid.



Jul 6th 2022, 1:21:13

Have they negatively impacted the energy sector? Probably. But please tell us how Biden's specific climate change policy changes are the most significant factor in doubling US energy costs.

All I'm saying is that Biden's changes have been but a ripple compared to the pandemic and the Russo-Ukraine war.